
A nation of "heretical" Lizardfolk believing in the Translucent Traveler. With unknown magical items, they were able to stage a successful rebellion against their formed country of Lishnahoon. Their magical prowess grows steadily, they are now capable of making whole cities levitate, float above the ground, held by mystical anchors. The leaders speak about ancient god pacts, that they must be maintained and saved from prying eyes. For many, it was a mystery what they meant but recently it came to light it is the Foundation Pillars.  


When The Second Divergence happened, suddenly in Lishnahoon there were other Lizardfolk. At the same time, they were family but weren't. These "newcomers" believed in the Translucent Traveler and came heralding her message to the world - the jungles must be free and ancient pacts of the gods maintained. The rebellion was bloody and the heretics were being decimated until their leaders came out with magical weapons of unknown design and creation. With them, they were able to open up the heavens and rain down destruction upon their enemies. With this, they were able to conquer cities and to the shock of many, levitate them above ground. In their benevolence, they denounced slavery of the dwarven people, making the Osor-bungek a more neutral neighbor.


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