
More primitive dwarves banded their tribes together to form a nation, Osor-bungek. They do not have grand fortresses or great cities like their kindred but they are in the right direction. Their dedication moves them on the path of war with Lishnahoon and new dwarven expeditions are coming in recent times, maybe they will have a fighting chance.  


Many dwarves during the Second Age, Godswar went east and found the Old World. However, some went west and found only death. Not many survived, but those that did hid in caves and led tribal lives for a long time, becoming more feral by the generation. When the Helal Mountains became too hot due to Azura becoming more of a desert, they ventured south and lived in the Great Lishna Jungle. They would become slaves to the ancient Lishnahoon nation but over time, dwarves from other nations made expeditions here and even the Cuggán-Geshud helped free more. Their brethren were too wild to be incorporated to their strict hierarchies and nations, so they were taught in the jungles. Millenia later, the wild dwarves were able to band together in the Fifth Age, Current Age and return the favor to the lizardfolk. While their country is still primitive, compared to what the dwarves now have in other continents, they are on the right path and it is their own. They only focus on Lishnahoon as the lizardfolk of Kroxgaan renounced all slavery.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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