Long Silver

Long Silver is a gentle reminder that the seas are a treacherous place, where you can find adventure, booty and death. Those that follow Long Silver are mostly bards, minstrels or writers, sometimes even singers. The sea shanties are their specialty and clerics gladly go on a journey as adventure is waiting to happen.  


Long Silver was once a mortal during the Third Age, Kingdoms. One of the first great sailors during the Age of Rediscovery. He gained many allies and friends in the ports of the world. When the news of his death came, it rippled in every port. "What? Not Long Silver!" would be spoken by many of his comrades. All of them would start to reminisce about his great deeds and adventures, however, over time, some would make them more thrilling. Turning a lighthearted story into a horror. Long Silver would return as the story of him being a sunken sailor was untrue but he barely survived the ordeal, fighting for his life, coming back less of a man. However, due to his reputation, he quickly elevated into a status of a Demigod as many would see him worthy of worship to survive that many horrific adventures and even his own death! Thus, with his newfound powers, Long Silver would go on a journey with his comrade-worshippers and united the other divine beings into one pantheon. His courage and ambitions were put to the test and he survived it yet again, proving his worthiness. The Long Silver's Locker was formed.  


  • The sea has many stories to tell, be sure to be one of the main actors
  • Bring a smile to the crew as you will show no fear
  • Adventure awaits, do not let it get away
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Long Silver is a member of the Long Silver's Locker Pantheon and is their de facto leader. He doesn't receive the Sea Portfolio as they all share it.  

    Cleric Domains



    Sea Stories, Sea Shanties  


    None, Demigod  


    Chaotic Neutral  

    Known Aspects

    None, Demigod
    Divine Classification
    Aligned Organization


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