
The Tabaxi worship the night and the moon. The first moon, the only moon (to them) - Asta, Moon. They are, however, restless due to their inability to do a pilgrimage to their holy lake - Moondoor Lake. While some are secretly able to gain access, bypassing guards and their enemies, others must go on "Moon Expeditions", where they fight their way in, the rest become slowly depressed over the years. Some hope, the constant war with Zambezia will be their victory but to achieve this, they need a strong ally, which they are constantly looking for.  


The Tabaxi weren't a united race even in their first centuries of existence. First was the Emerald Mask, a tabaxi-lich who became a tyrant to his people. Then was the schims that occurred due to the Solar Court and the Twins event. Many of the Tabaxi that wanted a way out from the tyranny and/or worshipped their first moon, Asta, Moon, went to form a new nation of Malkaazar. Over the generations, they would fight their cousins to gain access to their holy lake. Many expeditions would be successful but their path would always be in the blood. The Moondoor Lake is in the hands of Zambezia and until they defeat them completely, they will never be at ease. Thus, the kingdom sends delegates to other kingdoms, seeking allies in the war effort. However, when they hear about a Green Dragon family or a powerful lich contesting the claims, not many are going to help them if any. Thankfully, they were spared the horrors of the Fourth Age, The Calamity but were almost destroyed due to the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age, only recently they regained their standing. The court is thinking with helping Solthea, their neighbor against Bravoy as the winner might help them with their conflict, while this is happening, others suggest the opposite.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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