
While the highest number of Sunlord worshippers is on Old World, the tieflings of Solthea do their best to increase their numbers on Arakhor. They are in war with Bravoy.  


There were many Deities that showed up all around the world, in various forms. Some would catch on, others would become forbidden cults. Such a case with the cult of the Sunlord during the first millennia of the Third Age, Kingdoms. Many feared that this religion was God-Kings of Ossyria increasing their power into Arakhor, so they banished many worshippers and executed a lot of clerics of the Sunlord. Things changed after the Shadow War of Arakhor, when many of The Penitent worshippers saw the sun clerics help tieflings. The opinion was warming up and centuries later, they could be counted as a normal religion. While still far from having an influence on the continent. Thus, when the Fifth Age, Current Age dawned, many of the sunlord clerics helped people survive, thus gaining their trust and over the generations, they were able to instill a powerful bond with the populace, founding the nation of Solthea. They saw as Bravoy was destroying their neighbors and couldn't do anything about it, so they bid their time and when it came to pass, they were ready for war.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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