
Once many nations of the Old World found a new hope on Arakhor during the Third Age, Kingdoms, as most of the continent was uncivilized, thus, believing that they bring civilization to a new land, they hoped to be greeted as great men and women. To their dismay, they were greeted by Tieflings riding horseback with plated armors. They were able to stay and build their new home but many of them were bitter that things happened like that. During the course of the Third Age, many wars and conflicts broke out between the humans of the Old World and tieflings of the Arakhor. Not many were able to survive through that era and once the Fourth Age, The Calamity happened, they were forced to hide or become fodder (or at least slaves to the Iconian Empire). When the horrors ended, their nightmare didn't as the lands were now barren. The humans hunted the Tieflings, believing them to be the cause of all of this and banded together in many tribes. Once the green returned, they stayed together and built a new nation. There are no tieflings in Bravoy or at least those that have rights. To them, they are the essence of what is wrong with the world and will make them leave or kill them on sight. Believing themselves to be the humans that will bring proper and great civilization of Arakhor, they work with the knights of Order of Cleansing Flame and make war with the nation of Solthea, as the sun-loving tieflings are false worshippers.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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