
The Tabaxi of Zambezia hold the Moondoor Lake, the holiest of lakes in the Tabaxi culture. Long ago, their race split and the nation of Zambezia worshipps only one of the moons - Astrea, Moon. While they might war with Malkaazar and Tenebria over the rightful rulership of the lake, they are secretly controlled by their once-saviors, a family of Green Dragons, who only seek to increase their influence in the region.  


For the Tabaxi, the Moondoor Lake is the holiest of holy. Long ago, when the race was young, one of the Tabaxi felt that it is up to him to safeguard it, thus he made a pact with the undead god, Vecna, turning himself into a Lich. The Emerald Mask of the Ascending Glades Clan started to rule over his brethren and in time, purged his own clan of disloyal tabaxi. While those wanting to survive, fled south, the rest stayed and lived either in fear or plotting against him. The Solar Court and the Twins event split the populace once more, the worshippers of Astrea, Moon stayed in Zambezia, while the worshippers of Asta, Moon went to Malkaazar. The nation was safe from the Iconian Empire but had problems of their own. Unrest was skyrocketing and the lich was creating even more undead servants. It was at the moment of his master, Vecna failed ascension, that the Tabaxi struck. Allied with a Green Dragon family, they killed the lich and his army of servants. The lich, of course, later survived as his enemies only destroyed a decoy phylactery. Instead of going after them, he would plot his revenge and later conquer the neighboring kingdom of Tenebria. In that time, the Tabaxi rule over their lands in peace but in truth, they would serve the green dragons, as they steered the nation to conquer more of the jungles, increase their influence and get rid of their neighbors.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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