
Lord of Undead (a.k.a. Prince of Undeath)

The Demon Lord Orcus is often believed to be a servant of Vecna, and this alleged alliance is speculated to have formed during the Second Age, Godswar. As the story goes, Orcus found himself on the losing side of a battle against other Demon Lords and turned to the divines for assistance, with Vecna answering his call. Orcus has a strong association with necromancy, making it a natural fit for him to serve the lord of undeath. Many necromantic creations and rituals are said to originate from his realm, Thanatos, located within the Demonic Corridors. Notably, creatures like Ghasts are believed to have been born from the dark influences of Orcus's dominion.
Divine Classification
Major Entity, Demon Lord


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