Order of Cleansing Flame

The Order of Cleansing Flame isn't a singular knight or paladin order, it is multiple orders working together with the same goal - cleansing the local lands of Arakhor from the fiendish menace. They took over an Archdevil fortress in Grand Baator Mountains for themselves and cleansed it. While there would be many conflicts between different orders, the leaders of the Order of Cleansing Flame are wise enough to dispatch the paladins and knights into different locations to use their strengths to the fullest. Most of their funding comes from Bravoy but it is rumoured that other nations, even outside Arakhor, fund these fanatics in their goal. While their main goal is to cleanse the mountains first, soon coming close to fight the dwarves of Osor-urir and maybe the halflings of Humpercliff, they might turn against the near nations of Orodetontos or Matradediyo.
Military, Knightly Order


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