
Some elves survived the Second Age, Godswar but never sought to seek the Elven Lands, believing that their home was utterly destroyed. They would instead build their own kingdom, planting a new forest and calling it Orlynthaar. When the Third Age, Kingdoms finally brought sailors from the other continents, they were stunned and many believed that they betrayed their brothers and sisters in the east. This feeling of betrayal was enough for the demonic powers that laid in the roots of their trees. The elves of Orlynthaar started to practice scarification and other sadistic rituals that would see their bodies filled with thorns as penance over their perceived dishonor. The elves of the Elven Lands weren't able to help their cousins, no matter how many centuries they were trying to convince them of the light. When the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned, the forest was closed magically and was one of the few that survived (barely) the onslaught of the Iconian Empire. The elves only opened their trees only during the Fifth Age, Current Age first Era, the Post-Calamity Era, when they had no choice as their land was dying. They were able to revive much of the lost green but in the end, their fanaticism grew even stronger.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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