
These parts of the mountains are cast in eternal shadow as they are ruled by Duergar, who abhor the light. They seek control over the surface but have a tough time dealing with all those surface dwellers. An alliance with Xaan seems their only option.  


Some dig too deep in the Devilspine Mountains and this is a tale of a forgotten cult that wished for glory. Their numbers grew and they made mane enclaves in the mountains. When their lord spoke, "Seek me in the deep", they started to dig. Hidden Lord is known not as a god of the surface but a god of the Undertethys, hidden deep inside, wanting to break the (or his) chains. Many of the enclaves found tunnels leading deep below and within them, they found the Duergar waiting for them. It was a slaughter. Over the centuries, the dwarves built up, great fortresses and bought with them a shadow that would cast over Arakhor. Even after the Fourth Age, The Calamity, when they were turned back with the Iconian Empire, the Duergar stayed in their keeps. Now, in the Fifth Age, Current Age, the Duergar are planning another approach - if you can't beat them, join them. They started working with the necromancers of Xaan and many fear that this alliance will bring doom to them all.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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