
Otiradrim was a powerful elven warship that turned into a cult. Many believe that it has many a treasure on board, which led some to conduct hunting parties after the ship. Very few would say they were able to win over the Otiradrim, let alone get away with chestfuls of coins. Most worshippers of Otiradrim are elven sailors that believe in saving those that are left behind, while clerics can be seen in parties sent out to recover lost shipwrecks.  


Otiradrim is one of the youngest Idols in Long Silver's Locker. It appeared in the Third Age, Kingdoms. Otiradrim was an elven warship, set out to explore the world, and bring the race together after the Second Age, Godswar. It became lost to sea, even magic couldn't bring it back or even locate it. Stories started in the Elven Lands about the Otiradrim, that it was cursed and soon the shipwreck, due to the fantasies of sailors, became a reality. Coming back from the seabed it returned to its duties, saving those that fall overboard or those forgotten on the bottom of the sea, increasing its ranks.  


  • Never forget your goal, keep the sail up
  • Those that fall shouldn't be forgotten, bring them back up
  • The seabed should be the grave for ships, not mortals
  • Relationships with other Gods

    Otiradrim is a member of the Long Silver's Locker Pantheon.  

    Cleric Domains





    None, Idol  


    None, Idol  

    Known Aspects

    None, Idol
    Divine Classification
    Major Idol
    Aligned Organization


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