Parrot Lagoon

As some ancient explorers noticed, the lagoon looked like a parrots head, thus the name. For some pirates, it is an ideal place to hide but none of them were able to stay long. Many say that it was due to their chaotic nature, however, the truth lies in the elves of the region (or at least ancient elves from the Third Age, Kingdoms) as the lagoon was used by them to travel south, their main goal being the Elven Lands. Likouala Jungles became a stop on their journey to their ancient empire (what was left of it) and they didn't want anybody, no other race, knowing about it. Thus they would go to extreme lengths in destroying ships, killing crews, just to hide their presence or those that would follow their ships. Some Drow returned and have retaken abandoned elven ruins in the jungles, founding a new nation of Ivashaar.
Gulf / Lagoon


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