
The rakshasa employs delicacy and misdirection in its pursuit of dominion over others. Few creatures ever see the fiend in its true form, for it can take on any guise it wants, although it prefers to masquerade as someone powerful or influential: a noble, cardinal, or rich merchant, for example. A rakshasa's true form combines the features of a human and a tiger, with one noteworthy deformity: its palms are where the backs of the hands would be on a human. They came to existence during the Second Age, Godswar as agents of a now-forgotten Archdevil. Through the use of these creatures, he wanted to take control from the inside of the forces of good, however, he was destroyed soon after their creation. When the war ended, part of these creatures went with the Devils to the Hellish Spire but they also found a place form themselves in the Fable Realm. The rest stayed in the Material Plane and attacked angelic fortresses in the Tigris Mountains. They would battle many times for the right to these lands, creating their own nation of Zamora.   The race has a special, "immortal" soul just like some Fiends. Rakshasa of the outsider (non-native) variety made many pacts with powerful creatures, so when they die, their soul is trapped, experiencing their death over and over until they are able to get out. When they do, they would hunt down the creature that made them suffer. While the native Rakshasa of Tethys upon death travel to the Tigris Mountains, where they would be sealed in jars and let out only when a new body is created for them as both types are unable to have offspring and there is a set number of Rakshasas in all of the planes.


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