
Afterlife is a wonderful place, thus very few souls are willing to go back to the mortal world. Whenever a soul goes to the Fugue Plane, it will wander and be judged, a process that takes about 10 days. Some souls might be abducted by the Demons or go on serving other entities, thus rejecting their mortal life. The further the soul is in the process, the higher probability it will refuse to be resurrected. Only a Wish spell can nullify the wishes of a soul. No matter if the spell that was cast is Raise Dead or Resurrection, the soul will know the caster's name, alignment, and the patron he serves, granting them the choice to decline. This information isn't retained upon acceptance. It is common courtesy to cast Spell: Coerce the Soul first before a more powerful spell, even if the spell time limit was off, the living might still convince the soul to return, thus having a good reason to use, if they have to, more powerful resurrection spells. There is another way to convince a soul and that is going to the Plane known as the Last Stop. There the living might make a deal with Charon, who will bring the soul from the Afterlife for a conversation.


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