Ring of Dust

Out of all celestial bodies in the Tethys System, the Ring of Dust is the newest to be discovered as it was invisible to all, until the Third Age, Kingdoms, when the Age of Arcanum was going on. Powerful, magical telescopes were built to see everything in detail, allowing such things as mapping the planet Minas or revealing the nature of the planet Pandora. However, the ring became a wonder to many. The researcher who founded named it after himself - Crown of Nepotis. Nobody wanted to approve of this name and as many researchers tried to distance themselves from previous naming conventions, they never agreed upon the name, before the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned, thus the Ring of Dust never was given an official name. Many scholars have their own preferences from Sol's Crown, Sunlight Crown, Crown of Light, Sun's Veil, and many others. In the Fifth Age, Current Age, there isn't a movement to call the ring by one specific name. However, what is important is what it is. The telescope was able to gather the information that a lot of magical energies are gathered inside the dust and there exists something inside it, big enough to be a planet or a moon. It is speculated that it might be connected to the Eclipses of Sol known as the Blood Eclipse. There were many theories, the most popular was that Sol isn't the original sun but there was one before it and it exploded, what was left of it is the dust around the new sun.
Planetary Orbit
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