Eclipses of Sol

There are natural and (believed by some) unnatural eclipses of Sol, they are divided into different types as there are two moons (Asta, Moon and Astrea, Moon) as well as strange eclipse with the Ring of Dust.   The most common eclipse happening every two years is the Asta eclipse called the White Eclipse. It is the safest one (still you need some device to look at it without injury) and it used by many cultures and religions on Tethys.   The second most common and newest (due to Astrea coming to existence during the Third Age, Kingdoms) is the Astrea eclipse called the Red Eclipse. It is a less safe eclipse as many creatures (especially evil Werecreatures) are empowered by the forces of Astrea on Tethys. It is also the only eclipse that brings a full night (that last one hour) during the day. Many cult of Astrea use this moment to attack or perform their rituals. It happens every three or four years.   The third eclipse is between them all and it is very rare as it is unpredictable when it happens. Many scholars in the Third Age tried to find a pattern but to no avail, however, they found a new celestial body that was undetected until the Age of Arcanum, namely the Ring of Dust. They believe that something resides in the dusty clouds around the young Sol, maybe a body of a Titan, Overgod or something else? Whatever it is, it brings destruction and corruption with it as it is called the Blood Eclipse (or Cruel Eclipse) as it is connected to the Cruel Sun aspect of the Sunlord. Blood will be spilled, anger will come forth and many will die.   The other eclipses are combinations. Asta and Astrea negate each other's effects but bring something new, as effects of magic during the Dual Eclipse are doubled, sometimes tripled. Many magical items are made during this time. However, it happened every couple of decades or a century, as it is hard to predict when Astrea will have her eclipse due to an irregular axis. There are Bloody-Red Eclipses and Bloody-White Eclipses, the former brings new werebeast to existence as their disease is capable of transforming many more creatures, while the latter is deadly to werecreatures and many heroics are made during a Bloody-White Eclipse. Both of these are among the rarest and happen every couple of centuries (sometimes faster). The rarest of all is the Triple Eclipse, when all three happen at once. This eclipse happened only one time in the Ages of Tethys and it was during Vecna's ascension to Overgod. When it failed, the eclipse was done and the lands of the planet were destroyed. Many believe the Triple Eclipse isn't something that happens on random but it is forced by celestial intervention.


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