
The great capital of the Divine Empire. Founded during the Second Age, Godswar as a mere village of the Mariotla tribe (also known as the Golden Dynasty), which survived the war into the Third Age, Kingdoms where it was the center of the Founding of Blood and over the millennia turned into a grand metropolis. Sangville had a lot of problems centuries ago but was able to get back on its feet and show the world its greatness. While the city is open to everyone, magic and weapons are heavily monitored as this is the seat of their emperor, Re Divinito and it is handed over to the ruling Dynasty after a new emperor is chosen. As of this time, the current emperor Salvatore de Morgano is of the De Morgano Dynasty and their family is ruling the city for over 20 years. Many believe the city to be the most populous one in the world, even if most citizens are humans, only a fraction of them are Goldbloods as most of the humans are Halfbloods. Many believe that the Revolutionaries of Bordeux will stage their biggest coup here, rousing the Halfbloods and non-Humans against the Goldbloods. That's why security is at high alert and not many non-Goldbloods can access some places.
Alternative Name(s)
Sanguinalia, City of the Blood, Vitaepoli
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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