Humans: Goldblood Species in Tethys | World Anvil

Humans: Goldblood

The Goldblood Humans are mainly connected to their great empire of Divine Empire. They hail from the northeastern part of the Old World, wherein the Third Age, Kingdoms their god, the Divine King spoke to them and allowed his people to drink from his blood in the event known as Founding of Blood, thus the Goldblood Humans were born. While their physical features remain the same, their golden blood has an effect on their skin. Whenever angry or sick, their skin will turn into an unnatural, yellow hue as they do not have red blood. Whenever they bleed, it will look like gold is pouring out of their veins. It is identical to normal blood, however, it is very important to the Goldblood Humans. As their families might lose this trait when mixing with other races or even other human variations (the latter forming the Halfblood Humans). The more their genes are diluted with other humans, the more red color will be seen between the droplets of gold. Blood means everything for a Goldblood, thus many very important deals are signed in blood or whenever they make an oath, they make a blood oath, spilling their blood.  

On Tethys

While the Goldblood lost their continent-spanning empire after the Fourth Age, The Calamity, they still have a great empire in the Old World. The Goldbloods can be found in many places, almost always in the leadership roles as their blood is magical and the words they speak seem to tend to be true, thus they make great generals and public speakers. Their fixation on blood makes them unease around Halfbloods and those that do not treat them with the respect they deserve. By many thought to be the most arrogant race or at least variation of humans.  

First World

There were no Dragonblood Humans in the First World.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants

Human (Goldblood)

Ability Score Increase Cha +2; Str +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Age. Goldblood Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.   Alignment. Goldblood Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.   Size. Goldblood Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.   In the Blood. Whenever you lead or inspire your followers you gain an advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks or those appropriate.   Need to Push Onward. Whenever you are healed with a spell, you regain additional 1d4 hit points.   Powerful Words. You can cast Command spell once per long rest. You use your Charisma for spellcasting.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common and one extra language.


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