
Sarmatia was once part of a bigger duchy called the Grand Duchy of Fallorn, that would control all trade between eastern and western parts of northern Old World. These lands were ripe for the taking, so many disaffected humans fromĀ Mordavia raided them during the start of the Fifth Age, Current Age. Seeing this place much more pleasant to live in, they stayed and mingled with the local populace, bringing with them their culture. Creating a unique blend of cultures and traditions, compared to its neighbors only would bring strife but the people of Sarmatia are hardy people and not so easy to be pushed over. They declined the offers to join the Grand Duchy or the Divine Empire, wanting only to be independent and it worked out for them since a lot of trade goes through their lands from and to the Divine Empire, as well as from Mordavia, which they now call Grandmotherland (and Sarmatia is their Motherland).
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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