Grand Duchy of Fallorn

Grand Duchy of Fallorn or Fallorn for short was once a great duchy of the Divine Empire during the Third Age, Kingdoms. Their position was ideal political and economically as many caravans went through their lands between the eastern and western parts of the northern Old World. They were the keepers of the gates, if you will. They didn't fell with the Empire, they joined with the Iconian Empire and began their slave trade. However, they betrayed their masters, when the Aurelius rebellion began. They were pardoned for their "mistake" and rejoined the Empire, which didn't last long, as they declared independence in the Fifth Age, Current Age and are refusing to rejoin the empire, with Sarmatia as well, which was a part of the Grand Duchy long ago. The House of Fallorn wishes Sarmatia to return to them, at the same time rejecting the same offer from the Divine Empire, but this political struggle doesn't stop their gains in influence as many caravans go through their lands still, even if half of them pass Sarmatia.


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