Scourge Plague

The Great Scourge happened not long after Black Powder was invented. It quickly showed up in many parts of the world. Many believe the Black Powder to be the reason the Scourge Plague happened. As it was sudden, without even divine clairvoyance. At first many believe it to be a plot from some cult in the Old World but it started to spread. People could carry the plague unknowingly. Many accuse the Vendel League of being the most at fault as their ships traveled around the globe, visiting all known civilizations, trading with them and spreading the disease everywhere. The plague took millions with it, made many countries close its borders, while others started wars to recover their broken economies. Nobody was spared, not even those touched by the gods. Magic healing did help but it was very limited and a new profession showed up in vast numbers - doctors. Becoming the first stone in the foundation of the Archadian Empire.

Transmission & Vectors

The disease is contracted by touch, even if you have no symptoms. Your sweat and blood are the main points of transmission.


Many believe this to be a normal virus, mutated over the generations. While most (at the time) believed it to be the cause of the Black Powder.


For the first week, you will have no symptoms. Then a small cough, like something is lodged in your airway. Over time you will cough a little blood and bumps on the skin will form up. Then it gets worse, as you will have a harder time breathing and the bumps will become bigger, in clusters and reek of death.


Magic helps to heal the wounds and remove the disease. Non-magic must begin as soon as the first symptom appears. An operation must be made to remove bumps in the esophagus before they become more burdensome and burning the flesh a little to remove the disease completely. If the symptoms are severe, it must be performed on all the bumps on the body, while a delicate operation must be made in the whole chest area. Not many survive the last procedure.


After it gets to the stage that you barely breathe, you cough blood each time, it is fatal.


Cleaning hands, boiling water and not touching those that have the disease, staying as far as possible.


While the disease would be eradicated by the united forces of the Archadian Empire, the disease would return over the centuries as small pockets.


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