
Metal made by Titans themselves and while it is said that mainly Father of the Forge created this, it is speculated that all of the Titans could make Titansteel. All artifacts made in the First Age, The Titan War by the Titans are in some part (if not all) in Titansteel. While Titansteel is nearly indestructible (even rejecting attacks from Adamantine weapons), the true potential of the material shines during magical item creations. Titansteel allows the magic item creator to bypass legendary qualities, for example creating weapons and armor having higher than +3 bonus. It is unknown how Titansteel was created.  


While items made from Titansteel do not have a magical quality themselves, that changed after The Second Divergence. Titansteel Weapons were found to become deadly in the hands of their wielders, making attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Those that already had that feature, now score on 18 as well. This property is lost after the Titansteel weapon is made to become a magical weapon.


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