
The nation of Veilishaar is unique as it is also the birthplace of a new race (the Shadow Elves). Powerful magic guards their forest against invaders and outsiders, allowing them to concentrate on other matters. However, some on Arakhor still treat them with distrust as many millennia ago, they almost conquered the whole continent. Unfazed by these reactions, they still try to built relationships and trade deals. They are one of the few elven nations that have severed ties to the Elven Lands.  


The great forest of Veilishaar was created during the Second Age, Godswar. It was a powerful military compound built by the elves of that time. The goal was to wage war against the dragons during The Elder War and thanks to the magic barriers, they didn't have to worry about any Devils or Demons of the desert around them. However, when the continent shattered, the magic barrier broke and the elves were surrounded by fiends, a great war broke out over the forest, as the climate was very destructive at that time. The elves seeing no other way out used the High Magic of their fortress. Unfortunately, over the millennia, the fiendish corruption swept inside, and when the magic was activated the whole forest disappeared into a cloud of darkness. When it returned, the elves were forever changed, becoming the Shadow Elves. They abandoned their relations to the elves of the Elven Lands, as their new homeland is in the Shadow Reflection. They successfully retook their lands surrounding the forest in the Third Age, Kingdoms and waged high casualty wars against the Tieflings of that age. For a moment in time, they were able to hold half of the continent, until a powerful spell decimated their armies in the Shadow War of Arakhor. Beaten, they retreated to their forest and blocked access. The Tieflings would build great walls around the forest, completely sealing off the elves. While many of the elves were able to return to the Material Plane, using other passages in the Shadow Reflection, the nation wasn't able to bring a force strong enough to repeat their conquest. Thus, for millennia, they bide their time until the Fourth Age, The Calamity. At first, they worked with the Icons, however, when they saw what the Iconian Empire did, they worked with the tieflings behind the scenes to start a rebellion and they were successful. This action was seen as redemption to many thus after the dust has settled when the Post-CAlamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age ended, relations could start up again. First, normal diplomacy, and as always due to them being long-living elves, after two centuries they were able to establish trade with nations of Arakhor. Maybe in the future, they might begin working with their lost cousins?
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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