Conflict of Bearded Shackles

Military action


It comes to the attention of the Osor-zuntîr kingdom, that the raiders of Sahadrun attacked dwarven villages in their mountains and made slaves out of the dwarves. This couldn't continue and a delegation was sent to release them. However, after problems along the way - some were killed during their servitude, others sold to far lands and only a small group was returned, the dwarves demanded reparations but the kingdom rejected the idea, thus starting the Conflict of Bearded Shackles War. The war would end when the capital city of Sahadrun exploded. The dwarves were never taken as suspects as their armies were barely at the borders and now dwarves worked in the capital's Tower of Magic. The king of Osor-zuntîr decided that the nation of Sahadrun suffered enough and accepted it as the reparations he wanted.

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