Riverlands Timeline

1st Age, The Titan War

A period of tens or even hundreds of thousands of years

  • 11011 B.P.

    First Murder

    The Titan War truly begins, when The First Gods aim their weapons against the Titans. First to make a move is the Translusent Traveler, who shoots at the God-Killer but The Diplomat intervienes, trying to stop the conflict before it has begun. Unfortunetly, he is incinerated and the other Titans retreat, while the God-Killer is imprisoned.

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  • After Vecna's Deal
    Betrayal of Atlas
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Atlas showed his true nature and betrayed the Gods, seriously wounding them. His ultimate plan failed.

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  • 10500 B.P.

    10500 B.P.

    Imprisonment of Atlas
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Gods united and chained Atlas into the planet's north pole. There he holds the weight of the celestial bodies.

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  • After Atlas' Imprisonment
    The First Divergence
    Era beginning/end

    The Titan Chronos appeared, everybody - God and Titan alike, didn't remember his disappearance in the first place and they would forget it again. His kin was either slaughtered or imprisoned, in anger he used his powers to create the Divergence. Where all would forget about the First World and that the The First Gods were the heroes. This would shape the world in a new timeline. This event in itself would be forgotten until Chronos' return in the Fifth Age, Current Age.

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2nd Age, The Godswar

A period of thousands of years

  • After Chronos Divergence
    Emergence of New and Old Gods
    Era beginning/end

    When the Weave of Time stabilized, new (and old) Gods appeared. With Titans imprisoned a war of resources was brewing.

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  • 9998 B.P.

    The Cube's Crack

    The world of Tethys opens up for many planar beings, especially Celestial, Demon or Devil. Their leaders (like the Archdevils) enter the world with ease sparking a great war of faith. Many Demigods and True Gods will be born as mortals seek a higher power to save them.

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  • 9996 B.P.

    The Elder War
    Military action

    A war breaks between the Dragons and Elves. Nobody knows who really started it, both sides point the finger to the other one. The main opponents of this conflict are the Wise One and the Jade Emperor. This conflict would see many deaths on both sides and would continue until the end of the Godswar.

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  • 9991 B.P.

    Founding of Ithilyyar

    An Illithid Empire rises in the Riverlands called Ithilyyar and enslaves the majority of races in the region. The slaves build massive cities and walls of the empire, some stand still to this day. Others become food for their masters and breeding camps are formed for their high demand. On such rare occasions, the races of Dwarves and Elves fight together against the Illithids but only on different fronts. Many Demigods clash on these lands, devastating them for future generations. The illithid god, Lugrighrost, was killed and his dead husk lies in the ocean depths to this day. Most of the empire fell too and the rest would in time.

  • 9990 B.P.

    Enslaved Beards
    Population Migration / Travel

    A mass number of Dwarven slaves would be taken by the Ithilyyar. Most of them would be known as the Duergar. Those that stayed loyal to their masters, would later flee with them into the Undertethys or build their own fortress, while the rest would revolt, turning into the Mountain Dwarves.

  • 9980 B.P.

    The Great Clash
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the Godforge Lands continent, the armies of Celestials and Fiends clash in one last battle of the age. This was the defining moment as there wasn't a time such a huge force amassed in one region and the artifact known as the Godslayer Sword was used. One of the Fey wanted to stop the battle by stealing the sword and breaking it. This sealed the fate of the continent as the energies from the battle and the artifact annihilated almost all forces and split the continent.

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  • 9979 B.P.

    The Resealing
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the destruction of the Godswar, the gods decided that they have to stop or there won't be any lands to rule over. The First Gods were the main proponents of the idea and with their powers they were able to enhance the Foundation Pillars, closing all rifts to the other planes and changing the world forever.

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3rd Age, The Kingdoms

About three thousand years

  • 2 A.P.

    21 A.P.

    War-torn Souls
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Godswar ended. The gods and their armies retreated to the planes. For the first time in a very long while, Tethys is at peace. Creatures travel around, trying to find their place. Many start new families, while most try their best to survive in this new broken world.

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  • 6 A.P.

    Remnants of the Old
    Military action

    It took many years for the rest of Ithilyyar to finally be defeated. The rest of the Illithid race would flee underground, to Undertethys, where they would plot their revenge. After their mutual enemy was defeated, the Dwarven and Elven races looked to each other and agreed to stay away. The dwarves would take the mountains, while the elves the great forests. In time, humans would flock to this place in masses. Due to the sheer destruction wrought upon the Riverlands, more rivers would flow, creating bigger lakes than before. Marking the beginning of the true Riverlands.

  • 11 A.P.

    311 A.P.

    Fortresses of Moldath

    The dwarves would found many fortresses in the Great Arrow Mountains. Most notability the fortress of Moldath, which stood on the highest mountain in the region and waged war upon the Duergar Dwarves. After nearly three hundred years, all surface fortresses would fall and join Moldath, which in turn would become the capital of the Moldath-Shigin, known also as the Avalanche Autonomy, where it was more an alliance than a kingdom.

  • 151 A.P.

    161 A.P.

    War of the Apple
    Military action

    The human kingdoms in the Riverlands would stage a ball and invite the Dwarves and Elves. During which a heinous act occurred, when an apple was thrown at a representative of the elves. The humans would see this as humorous, a mere joke, part of the festivities but not for the proud race. This would turn for the worse, when the last night, the elves were given a basket full of rotten apples. Nobody really knows who sent the "gift" but that was the last straw. When the king of the elves heard of this, he was furious and demanded as an enormous recompensation for the act, which the human kingdoms declined. This started the War of the Apple. The elves slaughtered many on their way and established their power around the Riverlands, leaving the humans to live deep in the region. All trade and communication had to go through the elves, which worked for the race, as this allowed them to become a staging point to travel to the Elven Lands.

  • 251 A.P.

    Elven Journey
    Cultural event

    The elves of the Old World learn about the fate of the Elven Lands. Most of this information is left unsaid to other mortals, the elves travel to their homelands in secret. Only very few decide to do so as they do not want to see the horrible fate the Godswar brought on them.

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    Elven Lands
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  • 481 A.P.

    521 A.P.

    Rise of Ascal
    Political event

    King Shaundyl Silver Blood ruled the elven kingdom of Uluthunar in the Riverlands for over five centuries, united the elves and brought down the foolish humans to their knees. Due to old age and need to travel to the Elven Lands, he would need to choose a successor. This person became Ascal Gold Hearted, who was seen by many as the right choice. This would change in a matter of decades. Having access to a lot of resources, he sponsored many mystical projects, one of which was led by himself and it was to become a powerful lich. A mere change would not help in this endeavor, so he searched for answers in the god Vecna and made a pact. With it, the cult of Vecna prospered in the elven lands of Riverlands. This was his first step.

  • 521 A.P.

    526 A.P.

    Avalanche War
    Military action

    Ascal Gold Hearted needed access to Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Istenseret as per wishes of Vecna. However, this was deep in the dwarven territory and major expeditions would be seen as hostile, so Ascal brew a new conflict between the human kingdoms and Moldath-Shigin, the dwarven alliance. The rivers from the dwarven mountains would bring disease and poison, which would point to the dwarven fortresses as the perpetrators. When a meeting was held between the sides, it was Ascal that would convince the dwarves that the humans again toy with honor, as they did with his father. The poison worked on the dwarven minds and scuffle started in which the humans representatives were killed. The war began, which allowed the elven king access to the foundation pillar.

  • 527 A.P.

    701 A.P.

    Ascal the Unforgiven
    Military action

    Ascal Gold Hearted would become powerful lich, thanks to the help of Vecna and the Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Istenseret. In turn, he would lose all of his sanity. The lich would then turn against his advisors, adding more puppets to his court, killing all dissent, and staging a new war. This war of subjugation would stop the conflict between Dwarves and Humans, starting with complete destruction of most of the dwarven fortresses and subjugation of both of the races. After that, he would see his prize, the Elven Lands themselves, staging a grand naval war, stepping into another major conflict. For many gruesome decades, the Elven Lands would be raided and pillaged, until the gods themselves intervened. Ascal had mighty powers behind him, so instead he was imprisoned in the Riverlands by the Savioress. Without him, his army would fall and in turn a civil war would break out in the Riverlands.

  • 702 A.P.

    1501 A.P.

    Years of Thak
    Civil action

    Thak, meaning "to lock", was a time for the Dwarves of the Riverlands, that returned to their fortresses and would isolate themselves from the other races, only using the mountains to trade between themselves. This would take many generations until the plans for the Dawi Way created a rift between the traditionalists and those that wanted to open up. Over many years, the traditionalists would lose the argument and this part of the Dawi Way would start their construction.

  • 702 A.P.

    Celestial Elven Alliance
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After major conflicts between the elves in the Elven Lands, the gods decide to take the matter into their own hand by creating an elven pantheon. Ruled by the Wise One and Savioress. This stops all conflict in those lands for millennia, as it becomes holy land for many of the elves.

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    Elder Pantheon
    Additional timelines
  • 801 A.P.

    1602 A.P.

    Rule of the Scales
    Political event

    The kingdoms of Riverlands became weak due to constant war and conflict. This was used by their enemies, the dragon family of Firdayn, an ancient Red Dragon, who used his powers to take control over the lands. First, he struck the elven kingdom, allying himself with black and red dragons of the northern jungle. Soon after the human fledgling kingdoms fell, only the dwarves were spared due to them being closed. After nearly fifty years of war, order returned and the tyranny of the dragonkind begun. It didn't last long, as civil war broke between the dragons and a silver dragon, Alyxstra, rose up. She united the dragons, giving them lands to rule and not bother other of their kind. Firdayn was furious but accepted the rules, taking over the volcanos of the Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Istenseret. The dragon baronies were different from each other, some were more tyrannical, while others would have more freedoms than a normal kingdom would grant. When the dragons of the Jadeite Empire came, the dragons of the Riverlands joined them.

  • 1551 A.P.

    2551 A.P.

    The Dawi Way
    Construction beginning/end

    The dwarves begun their grand project - Dawi Way, a megastructure build beneath Tethys in Undertethys. At first, it took them 100 years to carve tunnels between major cities but as the dwarves are specific creatures, they didn't stop and continued. After 1000 years, all dwarven cities in the Old World, Venland and Azura were connected with underground passages that were not only grand but the major reason for huge profits for the dwarven race.

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    Dawi Way
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  • 1602 A.P.

    1681 A.P.

    Military action

    The Jadeite Empire launched an invasion upon the Old World. Their ships would not only attack the continent from the east but also from the west. Led by dragons, their armies were vast and the kingdoms in the Old World weren't united like the Jade. The conflict would see many kingdoms fallen, millions dead and countless treasures plundered by the invading hordes. Those surviving would band together, forming greater nations to fight against them like the Divine Kingdom, Isagorth and Lepidia. However, even they were unmatched by the ferocity of their new enemies. It wasn't until it rained... sand, that the enemies would retreat.

    Old World
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  • 1782 A.P.

    1801 A.P.

    Reseeding with Blood
    Criminal Activity

    Weakened by the Dragonswar and Rain of Sand, the Riverlands would see another conflict, as the Seljuk would take over most of the northern and western part of the region to themselves and raid for nearly twenty years the inner parts. It wasn't until the Dwarves stopped them in their tracks, that would allow the other races to have a moment of peace and rebuild.

  • 1802 A.P.

    2002 A.P.

    Coming of the Hunter-King
    Political event

    The kingdoms of Riverlands would still struggle, even with major trade going on thanks to the naval routes. This changed when Urthar the Hunter rose to power, becoming a legend in the forests. Many would see him as a Hero and in time, he would become an Immortal by hunting the White Stag of Riverlands. Urthar, in time, would ascend to become a king of Belathorvia, a kingdom that ruled over the biggest forest, aside from the Great Tree Forest. Neighbors would see him not as a potential enemy but someone who spoke sense with survival in mind. An alliance would form, which in turn would turn Belathorvia into a bigger kingdom, that repaired relations with the Seljuk, Dwarves and Elves.

  • 1882 A.P.

    Elder Alliance
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The gods of Elves and Dragons create an alliance that in time would become the Elder Pantheon. The main instigators are the Wise One and Gilded Hand, making some furious. One such person - Jade Emperor creates his own pantheon in spite (Chromatic Alliance), while another plots to undermine her father.

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    Elder Pantheon
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  • 2003 A.P.

    Back on the Hunt
    Political event

    Urthar the Hunter brought peace to the Riverlands, however, not to his soul. Seeing that everything is good in the kingdoms, he would leave civilization. He would return for the next couple of years but after ten years, he would be gone, never to return. Over the next centuries, many said they saw Urthar hunting in the forest but those are just rumours.

  • 2062 A.P.

    2081 A.P.

    Ascension of the Mummy God
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The high cleric of Ossyria uses the Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Ilimmu to achieve godhood. Setkuteth would be first and only mortal to use the powers of the Pillars to do so and with it would bring destruction upon Tethys. During these twenty years, clerics and paladins would lose access to their spells, gods would not answer prayers and travel from the Material Plane would be almost impossible. Another war with Ossyria started and many nations would join hands to fight against them but they were unable to be victorious. It wasn't until the people of Ossyria themselves mounted a rebellion against their new god, killing him at the Pillar. This, however, was a major mistake. With his death, his powers went rampant and destroyed major parts of the desert, killing millions, creating the place known as the Blasted Lands of Azura.

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  • 2322 A.P.

    Invention of Black Powder
    Discovery, Scientific

    Black Powder is invented by the people of the Seljuk Empire. At first, it was used on ships as cannons and over the years personal weapons showed up. This changed the face of the world and created more conflict and strife.

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    Black Powder
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  • 2482 A.P.

    2541 A.P.

    Great Scourge
    Plague / Epidemic

    A major plague hits the world of Tethys called the Scourge Plague. It is able to kill the elderly within a day or two after contracting it. The plague spreads due to it being invisible, asymptomatic, as you don't show symptoms until it is too late. Holy men weren't able to stop it as it killed people en masse and shutting down travel barely helped. Many historians speculate the death toll was in millions and destroyed many economies. Some speculate that it killed nearly half of the world population.

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    Scourge Plague
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  • 2542 A.P.

    Unification of Archeron

    The kingdoms of Archeron unite under one banner and call themselves the Archadian Empire. Their goal is to promote knowledge, intellect, and magic. Many colleges and universities are built on the continent and divisions on others. The empire becomes the forefront of thought. Most attribute the success of their work against the Scourge Plague as the main reason they united.

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    Archadian Empire
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  • 2656 A.P.

    2752 A.P.

    Return of Mind-slavers
    Military action

    The Riverlands would see the return of the Illithids. At first, there a couple of incursions on the surface. A village would be sacked and all of its inhabitants seized. A group of heroes would stop this but only for a period of time. When the full force, backed with Duergars and Drows would attack the surface.

  • 2752 A.P.

    2771 A.P.

    War of the Underworld
    Military action

    A massive invasion of the forces of Undertethys led by Exarchs of Assassin and Ashen Axe. They are able to besiege many capitals and taking the heads of ruling states. Only the Venland is spared, allowing the Vendel League to become mercantile "gods" selling weapons.

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  • 2772 A.P.

    2781 A.P.

    Great Quake
    Disaster / Destruction

    The War of the Underworld  didn't end with a decisive victory for the surface dwellers, instead of when they were about to win, the whole world trembled. And trembled. Earthquakes and tsunamis hit civilization, allowing the invaders to retreat as the surface would be the most hit by these disasters. Nobody really knew what was going on, until a group of elves saw the destruction upon the Atlas' Prison. It was obvious, the titan Atlas was planning something. The combined might of elves and dragons stopped Atlas from moving and enhanced his prison. To stop this from happening again, the Titan Watchers were created.

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    Titan Watchers
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  • 3000 A.P.

    Invention of the Arcanevessel
    Technological achievement

    The proudest achievement of the Archadian Empire, at least those that were made public, the Arcanevessel was a magical ship capable of leaving the Material Plane and not only able to go to any plane but also visit the The Gods Plane as well as the Conduits (External Plane). This was huge. Mortals having the ability to tap into the powers of Gods with ease? To change Free Will itself? To use the building blocks of the universe? The True Gods weren't happy and want happened next, might be why they reacted so slowly.

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4th Age, The Calamity

About five hundred years

  • 5 Calamity

    Riverlands' Fallen Crown

    The human king of Belathorvia, Isimund IV the Greater, was murdered in broad daylight during his speech. The body fell nearly a dozen meters from his balcony. Suddenly, the crowd itself started to kill each other in an unknown chaotic way.

  • 6 Calamity

    Riverlands Under Siege
    Military action

    The death of the human king was found to be a plot by an unknown force. The chaos in the capital took thousands of lives. The Elves meet with the Dwarves in their capital to understand what is going on. During their travel, they are ambushed by a group of Drow. Furious dwarves send out emissaries to understand what happened, only for their capital to become under siege by the Duergar.

  • 10 Calamity

    Elven Cries

    Years later, many smaller conflicts are taking place in the Riverlands, until the elven capital's magic is taken down by the Divine Hollow. Using a powerful object called the Aeoncharnite, they are able to confuse the people of the city and create a mass delusion, making the citizens fight against each other. It is believed that the same item was used years before in human capital. The origins of the item are unknown.

  • 26 Calamity

    Coming of Icons
    Era beginning/end

    The Titans didn't go away, their wills live on and they choose this moment to come from hiding. Their incarnations, called Icons, appear in different places around the world wrecking havoc.

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  • 27 Calamity

    56 Calamity

    Dark Times of Riverlands
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Riverlands are divided, the nations of Dwarves, Humans, and Elves couldn't keep up with the constant rebellions, so local authorities took the matters into their own hands. This division was used by the Icon Warmonger, who flew over the peninsula and cast a powerful spell over it. This marked the beginning of the Dark Times of Riverlands. A powerful barrier was created over the lands, blocking physical or magic access to the Riverlands, locking the people inside. Sol's light was weaker under the barrier and many crops would die. The population of the lands would drop heavily.

  • 57 Calamity

    A Sunny Break
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Sunlord breaks the barrier in the Riverlands and his healing powers restore the lands to their former glory. He leaves many of his followers to rebuild and fortify the lands against the Divine Hollow.

  • 65 Calamity

    80 Calamity

    Vengeance of the Squidfolk
    Military action

    Descendants of the Ithilyyar raise again in the ruins of the coastal cities of Rivelands. After the major floods that keep bashing on the coasts, the Mind Flayers return with a giant army of underwater creatures, like the Sahuagin. Starting another conflict, this time supported by the Icons themselves. The kingdoms of Riverlands finally fall into their hands once more.

  • 85 Calamity

    210 Calamity

    Riverlands Under the Icons
    Era beginning/end

    New rule in Riverlands is established, the Iconian Empire came only to install their own leaders as they already conquered the majority of the Old World. Humans, Dwarves, and Elves are enslaved by their masters. Their goal is to rebuild the mighty kingdom of Ithilyyar.

  • 211 Calamity

    220 Calamity

    Demon King has Cometh

    The human known as the Demon King arrived in the court of Zausdovaussk, the new capital in the western Riverlands, of the reborn Ithilyyar empire. In an instant, he is able to slain the ruling council and their Elder Brain. Whenever he went, he opened portals into the Demonic Corridors, sending demonic forces upon his foes with ease. His goal was to rescue the Riverlands. But at what cost?

  • 221 Calamity

    Battle of the Northern Coast
    Military action

    A giant battle occurred in the northern parts of the Riverlands. The demonic forces of the Demon King clashed with the forces of the Icons Nephilim. It is said that the goddess Translucent Traveler helped in the battle and dealt the killing blow. This marked the end of the Iconian Empire in the Riverlands and a new rule under the Demon King.

  • 225 Calamity

    Raising of Alvanista
    Celestial / Cosmic

    While the lands are under repair, the Demon King went out into the southern coast of Riverlands and using his magic, raised an island out of the seas known as the Alvanista Island. The Demon King said that Icons might return and he must prepare for another such conflict, sending many great researchers and wizards to the island, where they would be guarded against attacks from the outside.

  • 226 Calamity

    300 Calamity

    Founding of the Empire of Ys'Hett
    Civil action

    Under the Demon King, a new empire is born in the Riverlands. Stretching as far as into the northern jungles. The Empire of Ys'Hett is ruled by a tyrant, seeking safety above personal freedom. Strict laws are upheld by his demonic minions, powerful casters known are the Ys'Shtavar, and black knights of the army known as the Ys'Vindil. Major projects are finished in the kingdom, like the Demonwalls. Set of walls all around the kingdom that were made to withstand the attacks of many monsters, inspired by the walls of ruined Ithilyyar.

  • 301 Calamity

    Return of the Icons
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The assassination of Aurelius and many of the Exarchs showed the world that the Divine Hollow and the Icons returned. Many would speculate that maybe the influence of the Gods was the problem, it might have fueled the return of the Icons.

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  • 303 Calamity

    Qhuss the Lich

    Led by an lich Mind Flayer, an army of the Divine Hollow suddenly attacks the Great Tree Forest. Known only as the Qhuss, he is able to garner enough power for himself and return to the world one of the Icons. With the coming of the Icon Nephilim a new conflict starts in the Riverlands.

  • 304 Calamity

    405 Calamity

    Knocking on the Demonwalls
    Military action

    The forces of Qhuss would attack the Empire from any angle they could. Even his great floating pyramid was able to do much damage to the lands. The conflict would take decades as the Demon King wouldn't be on the front lines, spending his time mostly in the Alvanista Island or in the Grande Riparian Forest. Without him on the line, the war was at a standstill. Those outside the walls suffered under a new Iconian Empire. Mostly the northern and northeastern coasts, as the rest was still guarded behind powerful walls.

  • 406 Calamity

    Luvic's Plot
    Civil action

    The Immortal Luvic sees the destruction brought upon the lands by the inactivity of the Demon King allowing the forces of Lich Qhuss to prosper. With Ysvel an Adult Silver Dragon, he plots to change the Riverlands for the better. Firsty, he helps the Empire stop Qhuss.

  • 408 Calamity

    Qhuss Shackled
    Military action

    While the Icons Nephilim is still at large, his master the Lich Qhuss is stopped by the forces of the Empire. It is said that the Immortal Luvic helped in the process but not directly. The Lich is however bound to the land and cannot be truly killed, thus his pyramid becomes his eternal tomb. The people of Riverlands can finally rejoice and bring the battle to the Divine Hollow.

  • 420 Calamity

    Reprisal of Illinara
    Military action

    A powerful mage of the Empire of Ys'Hett takes upon the challenge of Zemvoj (now long dead) and creates a battle group, which she leads straight into the Icon Nephilim. Using powerful magic, she is able to defeat him but at a cost of her own life as well as 127 other mortal souls. The Empire crippled its own arcane might to potentially kill the Icon.

  • 494 Calamity

    Forging of Demonslayers
    Civil action

    The Immortal Luvic gathered the adventurers who would become the Demonslayers. Decades after the defeat of Icon Nephilim, the tyranny only extended to other facades of life and the Demon King used his Ys'xaaran, known also as the Seven Sins, to execute his will. Some would kill dozens of people just to prove a point. The group would prepare for battle and study their enemies. This would be the successful rebellion by Luvic as he was already after many failed attempts.

  • 496 Calamity

    499 Calamity

    Calamity of Riverlands
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Riverlands are struck with series of disasters, earthquakes, wild fires and floods. The death of the Demon King connected with Vecna's failed attempt to become an Overgod shattered the lands. A giant part of Riverlands peninsula, where the Dark Elves had their cities, sinks and becomes an archipelago.

  • 496 Calamity

    A Demon's Death
    Life, Death

    The Demon King was killed. It is said that it happened in the Mesquida Mountains but it might have happened in a different place. After the Demon King sent his best men to fight Vecna, he was weakened enough for the Demonslayers to take action. After his death, disaster struck Riverlands sooner than in other lands.

  • 500 Calamity

    Vecna Foiled
    Celestial / Cosmic

    By the combined might of the True God and their mortal servants, Vecna would be stopped at the continent of Archeron. The last stand would take place and the god known as the Wise One would be empowered by others to break through the barrier and strike a mortal blow against the Lich. Vecna would lose not only his chance of ascension but also his hand and eye. During this moment, one of the gods would become an Overgod for a split second, allowing them to create a new Divine Law known as Vecna's Law. With this enacted, all Gods returned instantly to their Gods Planes. Vecna was defeated, the Icons as well (Kardion would escape his cell and go into hiding), this marked the end of the Fourth Age, The Calamity.

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Post Calamity Era

3501 A.P. 3550 A.P.

  • 1 P.C.E.

    Founding of San Christobal
    Civil action

    The returned hero, Christobal united the people in their dire need. The once capital of the Empire of Ys'Hett will now become a new kingdom, under the first emperor, Christobal I the Saint. This is the start of Mathras as a nation.

  • 5 P.C.E.

    50 P.C.E.

    Dwarven Isolation
    Civil action

    The dwarven fortresses in the Great Arrow Mountains are closed. Over time, many of them would fall into Duergar hands or due to hunger. Only a small handful would survive the Post-Calamity Era.

  • 5 P.C.E.

    Demongates Closed
    Civil action

    The Demonwalls are closed to outsiders, mainly those around the capital city of Mathras. By this, they tried to stop the civil conflict, keep everybody together, and control the flow of food.

  • 6 P.C.E.

    10 P.C.E.

    Sacking of North
    Military action

    Many Seljuk escape their desert to find food, they settle in the northern lands of Riverlands and sack those that refuse.

  • 40 P.C.E.

    Return of the Bard
    Civil action

    Bard Malcovin has returned, at least the rumors are confirmed, that the old castle, Castle Myriade was taken over and it was Malcovin himself. The empire was conflicted with this but seeing how he helped the locals survive the Post-Calamity Era, he was granted the title of Baron and left to rule those lands.

Restoration Era

3551 A.P. 3700 A.P.

  • 1 R.E.

    Great Renewal of Riverlands
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After the awakening of Thea, the other gods of nature like Grolantia, Emerald Druid and Sunlord bless the lands. The Riverlands return to their former glory and many people return here to settle abandoned lands.

  • 5 R.E.

    Emperor Christobal II
    Political event

    Christobal II Alisheri become the emperor after his grandfather Christobal I Alisheri the Saint, the Hero. His father, Adolfito Alisheri, died before Christobal I.

  • 5 R.E.

    25 R.E.

    Migration of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    Many elves left the southern parts of Riverlands after the Calamity but once the Great Tree Forest was revived, the rest would follow. Now, only the majority of the population in the southeast coast would be half-elves.

  • 5 R.E.

    15 R.E.

    Founding of Mathras
    Military action

    Christobal II Alisheri, the grandson of Christobal the hero (Demonslayers), begins the reconquest of their old lands. Founding a new empire of Mathras. In ten years, they are able to retake the inner Riverlands and the southern and western coasts.

  • 15 R.E.

    50 R.E.

    Founding of Olvoe
    Civil action

    Many sailors would return to the coasts of Riverlands, a lot of them in the northeastern parts. There they would slowly become friends with the elves of the forest, while they would sail away for money. In time, the city-states would organize. At first, it would be just two towns and over the three decades, the kingdom of Olvoe would become the kingdom of the coast, spanning far into the Likouala Jungles.

  • 15 R.E.

    17 R.E.

    Rejection of the Savannah
    Military action

    When the empire of Mathras came north, the tribes of Seljuk rejected their rule. Turning into a bloody conflict. The Seljuk were able to push back the empire and in turn created their own kingdom of Sahadrun.

  • 26 R.E.

    160 R.E.

    Opening of Alvanista
    Civil action

    The nation of Midgaard announces its presences but stays inside its borders. Trading only when it musts. It would be half-open after The Second Divergence, when Airship travel was returning to the world. Suddenly everybody knew about the hidden kingdom of magic.

  • 35 R.E.

    Promise to the Elves
    Civil action

    After the death of Emperor Christobal II Alisheri, Luvic decided to push Mathras about their lands and more. Many promises their emperor swore and he waited long enough. He would be rejected by the new Emperor, Alfonso I Alisheri the Warmonger.

  • 35 R.E.

    Emperor Alfonso I
    Political event

    Alfonso I Alisheri becomes emperor after his fatehr Christobal II Alisheri.

  • 37 R.E.

    Death of Elven Emissaries
    Criminal Activity

    Luvic sends emissaries to the empire's court, wanting them to fulfill their promises. These emissaries are killed along the way. After investigation, Luvic discovers they were killed by the empire and plots a rebellion against the humans.

  • 40 R.E.

    55 R.E.

    Founding of Isila
    Military action

    The southeast coast was said to be a client state of Mathras but not for long. The Immortal Luvic sparks a rebellion, the many cities and towns reject the rule of the empire, prompting them to send an army. This conflict would continue for decades. The first war would be known as the Founding of Isila War, which would end with the founding of the Isila kingdom.

  • 56 R.E.

    Emperor Geraldo I
    Political event

    Geraldo I Alisheri becomes emperor after his father Alfonso I Alisheri.

  • 58 R.E.

    Bloodied Garden
    Criminal Activity

    A ceasefire was made by the elves and it was kept for a couple of years. After that, there was a prospect of peace. The new emperor, Geraldo I Alisheri the Pontiff, wanted to greet the elves in his garden. The Immortal Luvic wary of the plots of the empire would again send emissaries. It is unknown who started the fight. In the royal gardens, the emperor was killed by the elves, this is said by the empire, while the elves speculate that the emissasiers were "fake", maybe the Drow took their place, as some of them escaped the capital and never returned. This however sparked a new war.

  • 59 R.E.

    Emperor Alfonso II
    Political event

    Alfonso II Alisheri becomes emperor after his brother's death, Geraldo I Alisheri.

  • 59 R.E.

    134 R.E.

    Immortal War of Riverlands
    Military action

    This would be an almost never-ending conflict between Mathras and Isila. Started by the deceit that killed their emperor, the forces of Mathras would march southeast to theelves, while they instead would use their magic to guard their new lands. Over the decades, the empire would bloody themselves many times, bleeding out much during this conflict, while the elves would gain only ground and strength. Luvic would see many emperors die over the decades, all of them refusing to fulfill promises of their ancestor.

  • 60 R.E.

    85 R.E.

    Conflict of Bearded Shackles
    Military action

    It comes to the attention of the Osor-zuntîr kingdom, that the raiders of Sahadrun attacked dwarven villages in their mountains and made slaves out of the dwarves. This couldn't continue and a delegation was sent to release them. However, after problems along the way - some were killed during their servitude, others sold to far lands and only a small group was returned, the dwarves demanded reparations but the kingdom rejected the idea, thus starting the Conflict of Bearded Shackles War. The war would end when the capital city of Sahadrun exploded. The dwarves were never taken as suspects as their armies were barely at the borders and now dwarves worked in the capital's Tower of Magic. The king of Osor-zuntîr decided that the nation of Sahadrun suffered enough and accepted it as the reparations he wanted.

  • 81 R.E.

    Empress Carolina I
    Political event

    Carolina I Alisheri becomes the emperor after her father Alfonso II Alisheri.

  • 85 R.E.

    Calamity of the Savannah
    Disaster / Destruction

    Specifics of the event are unknown. It is speculated that it happened in the Evocation Tower of Magic, Rulers of the Elements, in the capital city of Akaresh of Sahadrun. The mages experimented with the threads and created a powerful rift between the planes. The whole city was destroyed in a fiery explosion, the lands around rifted upwards creating mountains, and a new "sun" appeared in the center. This changed heavily the weather of the northern region. The savannah turned into a desert, the great white mountain erupted and the people were struck with a magical disease known as the Scorching, becoming the Scorched.

  • 90 R.E.

    Holy Law of Forbiddance
    Civil action

    New rulers of Sahadrun moved to Marakaresh, from there they enacted a new law, called the Al'Hadim Halal or Holy Law of Forbiddance. All magic users, who aren't clerics or paladins, have their freedoms restricted. Anybody who wants to use magic has to fill paperwork, their word is counted as lower than a non-magic user in court and a new magical prison is made for them. Sorcerers must notify of their location once every day to the authorities and have paperwork on them at all times.

  • 100 R.E.

    Emperor Maricruz I
    Political event

    Maricruz I Alisheri becomes the emperor after his mother Carolina I Alisheri.

  • 135 R.E.

    Quarter-filled Promises
    Civil action

    A ceasefire would be signed by the Mathras emperor Diego I Alisheri the Lean. It would stipulate that the elves will be granted lands east of the Demonwalls known as the Xernith Demonking Walls.

  • 135 R.E.

    Fully Opened Mountains
    Civil action

    Law is passed by three parties - Sahadrun, Mathras and Osor-zuntîr. This was mostly about trade but the dwarves wouldn't relent about the servitude of their people. Thus, they were able to add a stipulation that no dwarf can be a slave in the neighboring kingdoms. Sahadrun later would be able to go around it, as long the dwarves came from other places, they could still use dwarven slaves.

  • 140 R.E.

    150 R.E.

    War of the Ushter
    Military action

    The new kingdom of Olvoe would start a war with the elves of Isila. This conflict would be mainly fought by sea and Olvoe over the years would quickly show that they are the better at the waters than the elves. This conflict was stopped by The Second Divergence event and never continued. It is said that peace was never signed and the countries are still at war, even if decades later they are trading.

  • 150 R.E.

    Emperor Geraldo II
    Political event

    Geraldo II Alisheri becomes the emperor after his father Maricruz I Alisheri.

Second Divergence Era

3701 A.P. and beyond

  • 1 S.D.E.

    The Second Divergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Titan Chronos has returned once again, hidden from everyone's mind and memory in the Weave of Time to strike against the The First Gods once more. Memory of the Gods is returned, the First World isn't a myth and is a myth at the same time! While new people emerge at this moment and a whole new continent strikes the Old World. Chronos returns to the Weave but the world won't be the same as before. During this time Magistorm has changed and Magihails appeared, with them the race of Aetherborn.

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  • 5 S.D.E.

    35 S.D.E.

    War of Baghat's Horde
    Military action

    The city of Uncastillo falls to an orcish horde. It is said that these many Orcs come from another world, led by Baghat the Reincarnated. This would spark many conflicts in the northwestern part of the Riverlands. The orcs would in the matter of couple decades take a big part of the region, uncontested by Sahadrun or Mathras. Their lands would start from the Uoodrol Walls and end on the Vurdsass Walls.

  • 5 S.D.E.

    Rejection of Greater Godhood
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Wise One becomes the first Greater Deity that rejects his Godhood, becoming an Immortal called Harthion. This is also the first evidence that once a Greater Deity rejects their godhood, they will still have a Star.

    More reading
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  • 8 S.D.E.

    First Port Leaves
    Civil action

    Saratosa Port leaves Mathras, after the empire refused the send troops against the orcish horde. Seeing the elves as a bigger concern. Saratosa seeks allies in the many pirates of the waters as it is one of the smallest ports in the western coast.

  • 13 S.D.E.

    More Ports Leave Mathras
    Civil action

    Quintana Port and Negorta Port leave the empire as the news of Saratosa Port seems favorable to them. They do not seek the help of pirates but work on their own arrangements. The Mathras Empire is looking ever so weaker.

  • 18 S.D.E.

    Dark Reign Cometh
    Civil action

    The biggest port on the western coast, Cabezada Port, leaves the Mathras. It is said that many of their rulers become corrupt and pledge their loyalty to a new god, Dark Tyrant. However, it isn't quite true as they keep friendly trade relations with the dwarves.

  • 20 S.D.E.

    The Chronoplague
    Disaster / Destruction

    20 years after the The Second Divergence happened, the people who came to this world from the First World change into zombies called Chrombies. Even if its only some, the fear was enough to start wars and purges against those that wore the mark - of the Chronoplague.

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  • 22 S.D.E.

    Silverbay Founding
    Civil action

    One of the biggest ports in Riverlands rejects the rule of the empire of Mathras. Seeing how the empire left them during The Chronoplague, the authorities of the port decide for independent. They rename their city to the Silverbay and seek neutrality in all conflicts.

  • 25 S.D.E.

    Invasion of the Trees
    Military action

    Seeking to rebuild the loses from The Chronoplague, the nation of Sahadrun would defy the elves and started to cut down their Great Trees. At first, they would be asked to leave, then forced, until this turned into a conflict. This continues decades later but the lumberjacks are now guarded by the military.

  • 35 S.D.E.

    20 Vendémiaire

    Emperor Alfonso III
    Political event

    Alfonso III Alisheri becomes emperor after his father Diego I Alisheri.

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  • 36 S.D.E.

    40 S.D.E.

    War of the Jungle Hags
    Military action

    Said to come from the deepest Likouala Jungles, the kingdom of Mosparia conquers a lot of of the coast and takes land from Olvoe. Their conflict stops into a ceasefire, both sides building a wall on their borders as the aggressive nation stops their attacks.

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  • 37 S.D.E.

    Peace of the Golden Mountains
    Political event

    Emperor Alfonso III of Mathras empire signs a peace deal with Luvic, ruler of Isila. The nations were at a ceasefire for decades, it is now time to rebuild. Luvic still wants the promises to be fulfilled but can wait for them to occur naturally over the centuries. Alfonso III is named the Peacemaker.

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  • 40 S.D.E.

    Census of Peace
    Civil action

    Emperor Alfonso III the Peacemaker enacts a controversial law that would commonly be referred to as Counting the Knife-ears. Census of Peace is made to count every citizen of the Mathras empire, especially those of non-human blood. All citizens are required of the location of their residency, their profession and their racial lineage. Humans are required to do so once per five years. Elves and Half-elves every year. While Dwarves and other races once every yen years.

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  • 40 S.D.E.

    45 S.D.E.

    Oathweavers Rise
    Criminal Activity

    The Oathweavers emerged in the Riverlands, initially known as the Sinners, and swiftly evolved into a formidable criminal organization on the peninsula, rivaling others in influence and power. Forming alliances, they seized control of a vital smuggling route and forged a pact with the dragon of Ashantaruxx, solidifying their position as a formidable adversary to the Riverlands' kingdoms.   In the wake of a devastating war, the Riverlands faced invasion from the formidable forces of Venlanders, originating from the distant Niffleheim. This dire threat prompted a pressing need for Riverlands to unite under a single banner, leading to the resurgence of the Demon King and his reclamation of his former empire. With the aid of advanced technology from Midgaard, the Riverlands nations managed to repel the Niffleheim armies. Now united under a common rule, they prepared for a more devastating incursion from Undertethys in the form of Ascal the Reborn, the Unforgiven. Ascal, who not only rebuilt himself but also took command of an Icon, Nephilim, unleashed destruction upon San Cristobal and its surrounding cities.   Once again, the Oathweavers were summoned to defend the Riverlands, this time joining forces with Randal Highcastle, a renowned hero of the empire. In a selfless act, Randal sacrificed his life to vanquish the Icon, while the group ventured to confront Ascal in his lair. Following the tyrant's defeat, the individual members of the group either went missing or departed from the Riverlands, but their organization endured, continuing to operate within the region.

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