
The famous dwarven nation, Kingdom of Anvil, has dominion over large swath of the Great Arrow Mountains. Long ago, they had the whole mountain range under their rule but that is now in the past. The dwarves toil away in their many forges, trying to hammer a new future for themselves. They try to keep to themselves, guarding their borders, and staying away from the politics of other races.


Ruled by a High King (Erlin-etar), chosen from the ruling clan. All dwarves must accept his rule. Other fortresses nominate their own Kings (Etar), which in turn must pledge loyalty to the High King.


The Great Arrow Mountains were filled with dwarven holds millennia ago. The Duergar of that time became slaves to the Mind Flayers of Ithilyyar and those that survived, joined the revolt and became the Mountain Dwarves. The Dwarves made a deal with the Elves of the Riverlands, they would take the mountains while the Elves took the forest and agreed to not get in each other's way. Many fortresses would join Moldath to create the Moldath-Shigin, Avalanche Autonomy. A great dwarven nation in the Riverlands. Due to the machinations of Ascal, the elven leader in the Third Age, Kingdoms, they were manipulated to start the Avalanche War, which saw many human settlements killed, while the elven leader would gain free access to the Foundation Pillar - Me'at'Istenseret. The new arisen Lich Ascal would see the lands subjugated to his will and was able to destroy many of the dwarven settlements in the mountains, making the rest kneel before him. Thankfully, he was stopped but the honor the dwarves lost in these conflicts ran too deep, thus they locked their gates. Known to the dwarves as Years of Thak, the fortresses locked themselves for centuries. Thanks to their hidden tunnels and locked gates, they were spared the fate of being under draconic control during the Rule of the Scales. They would reopen after the Dawi Way was completed and many traditionalists had to let the newer generation start anew. The lands were later raided by the Seljuk but the Dwarves that were still opened, stopped them and moved them back. When the Dawi Way was completed and the Immortal hunter, Urthar appeared, the relations between Elves, Humans, and Dwarves in the region were slowly repaired. Their rebuilt nation would fall in the end, when the Fourth Age, The Calamity dawned and an army of Duergar sieged their fortresses, cutting them from the Dawi Way. The dwarves became slaves once more to the Ithilyyar but thankfully were saved by the Demon King, who drove back the Iconian Empire. They joined his Empire of Ys'Hett as a client kingdom and tried to rebuild. However, many of their freedoms were taken away as the Demon King wished for security above all else. The hardy people of the mountains accepted their tasks and toiled away, helping build many great structures in the empire. By this action, they were able to withstand the return of the Icons at the helm of Qhuss, the Mind Flayer Lich. When calamity struck, the dwarves closed their gates once more as they couldn't help that many hungry faces. This would be a fatal mistake. Many of the fortresses fell due to hunger or were destroyed by Duergars. Only a small handful of dwarven settlements survived the Post-Calamity Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age. The fortresses rekindled their old friendships and founded a new nation, the Kingdom of Anvil, Osor-zuntîr, where they would hammer their own fate. They reforged relationships with humans and elves. The dwarves would go for one major conflict, known as the Conflict of Bearded Shackles War with Sahadrun over their use of dwarven slaves. This went catastrophically for the people of Savannah as their capital unexpectedly exploded stopping the war. Later, the dwarves would get at least some reparations with the Fully Opened Mountains trade deal. The nation would stay neutral in the matters of politics between Mathras and Isila, as well as inner strife that Mathras had with its western ports.

Demography and Population

The majority of the nation are Mountain Dwarves with some small Hill Dwarves clans. There are some Humans living on their lands but very few inside the deep fortresses.


The dwarves keep their religion tight with The Great Sky Forge, even having a major temple in form of a mountain on their lands.

Foreign Relations

Trade & Transport

The dwarves keep a tight-knit on trade happening with them and between them. Many seek to go from or to the western coast, where a lot of trade comes from the northern Old World.

Nil-rigòth Thunen

Founding Date
At the start of the Restoration Era of the Fifth Age, Current Age
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of the Anvil
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Dwarven Ale, Silver, Platinium, Gold, Copper, Iron, Gems
Major Imports
Arcane, Etherite, Alcohol, Lumber, Coal, Wheat
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


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