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Samis - God of Storm and Skies

During a cosmic storm where two galaxies collided, which contained enormous energy, lighting, wind and celestial power, Samis appeared. Entering a universe with a storm, it almost heralded in his arrival in the cosmos. His siblings, Niphena, Goddess of Magic and Bamir, God of Strength felt the ripples of his arrival from great distances away.   The legend goes that a man with blue eyes filled with lightning appeared, and from the cosmic clouds surrounding the storm which he arrived in he created a mount, a massive dragon which he claimed as steed and rode the skies. The two spent their early days claiming the skies and causing cosmic storms where ever they rode, battling against the wild spirits of air and asserting their dominance in the sky. As the world was created, with peaks and skies as well, Samis claimed the skies instantly and rode over the new world. His storms causing great downpours and filling the oceans up with water. His lightning striking down craters in the ground and making places for the water to pour down, filling up large lakes.   The first people of the world revered Samis with both awe and fear, he brought them the very important water to give them life but also caused death and destruction with the storms he summoned. They called him The Fury in the early days, and some claimed that calling him his real name would bring vengance down upon you. But the more time grew and the more people that walked the world, they started calling Samis "Lord of the Sky" and even "The Dragon".   The mount of Samis was later named Vorelth - God of Dragons, which was named much later according to history. Samis and Vorelth were both indirectly involved in the creation of the dragon and draconic races of the world. During a mighty battle against Niphena, Samis had summoned a storm like never before. During the battle, a scale from Vorelth was knocked off and fell to the ground, which was later struck by lightning and fused, causing the creation of the dragon and draconic races.
These races views Vorelth as their god and worships him as their main diety, and Samis as both a villian and heroic diety.  
Samis most devout followers believe that the thing that will end the world is a great storm like no other, it will sweep over the lands and cause everything to be cleansed. Only the thing that might remain are the pure things of the world and deserves to be preserved. And to be able to get closer to Samis, most of the altars and holy sites dedicated to him are built high up on mountain peaks. They also preach respect for nature, freedom and independence as well as a strange reverence for dragons.  
On the most stormy nights, followes of Samis might celebrate it by staying out in open areas to get the best possible views of the storm. And during the stormy seasons of the yearly cycle, the first big storm gets celebrated as the start of Samis's season.  
Related Gods
Marin - God of the Sea, the biggest of storms influence the sea which is how Marin and Samis encountered each other. A large storm causes a lot of movement in the ocean, and the destruction it can cause became a topic for conflict between Samis and Marin. But since the rain from the storms also caused the oceans to fill up, there is a deep understanding between the two gods that they are a part of each others "life".   Calenis – God of Day and Light, with the skies being ever changing and how the sun arrives every morning, Solaris and Samis are quite known to each other. Usually the sun brings a less violent storm, and the calm days lets the world rest from the storms of Samis.   Nythara – Goddess of the Night, the relationship between Nythara and Samis is one of the closest between any other god. The two found themself reveling in the night, where the dark night of Nythara became the perfect canvas for the storms of Samis. The two ended up as "lovers", and worked together on everything. This relationship with Samis let Nythara become one of the more powerful lesser gods.   Feyora, Goddess of Spirits, Feyora being the goddess of spirits, the same spirits that Samis once proclaimed dominion over during his early day as a being, makes Feyora almost bend her will towards Samis, and their relationship is one of a lot of tension. Feyora wanting the spirits of the world being free and unbroken, but Samis immense cosmic power keeping them under him as he rides the sky.


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