Choosers of the Slain

The second oldest faction, after The Gwareth, The Choosers of the Slain is a kind of assassins' guild and cult dedicated to the gods of death, Dela and her son Mors. These assassins follow a strict code of honor and behavior, and will only take a contract on a target that they can confirm is guilty in the eyes of the gods. The Choosers fought in The Nightmare War from the begining, removing key people from the Nightmare Army. They continue to focus thier attention on those who side with the Nightmares.   Their crest shows the hourglass of Dela with wings, indicating life is fleeting, a sythe to indicate thier role as reapers of lives, and a death's head to signify Mors. The motto, in common, reads: "Death for the deserved."   The current Námo of the Choosers of the Slain is an eladrin woman named Sazane. She has been a member for some 300 years, and controled the organization for at least a century. She still goes on missions as well, when she deams it worthy of her time.
Sazane, Námo of the Choosers of the Slain
Guild, Assassins


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