
Twin sister of Aled, Dela is the goddess of death. She and her brother were the first children of Orvis and Thauma. She is the mother of Mors with The Creation of Mortals, as well as the grandmother of Voun.   Where Aled's role is to bring life into the world, Dela's role is to ensure that the living do not overstay thier welcome. She ensures that everything that is created comes to an end so there will be room for more new life. Her role is one of balance, and a necessity.   Her followers often work with the sick and dying to ease thier passing, and to ensure a proper burial. They have an aversion to spells that thwart the role of death, though this does not mean they have an aversion to healing in general. Despite the connection to death, Dela and her followers despise the undead as they are a mockary of the system.   Her symbol is an hourglass that is full on the bottom.   Alignment: Neutral Portfolio: Grave, Order, Twilight


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