Creation of the World

Though there are several stories about the creation of the world, most scholars agree that the Elven story is likely the most accurate. Below is an excerpt from the Parmaval, the Elven book of myths that explains the creation of Thaumara and the first gods.
  Before time there was Gulsa, Goddess of Fate. No story tells of how this goddess came to be; she simply is. She is the one who knows the weave of fate and the destiny of all who are part of Thaumara. The Weaver knew how to begin. She took two drops of her blood and let them fall. Where they landed Breksta and Daith appeared, naked and asleep. Daith awoke and gawked at Gulsa.   The Weaver smiled at him. “You are Daith, lord of order and first among the gods. Beside you is Breksta, your consort. She is the mistress of dreams.”   “Dreams?” Daith asked.   “Yes. Dreams are the seed of creation. What Breksta dreams she will create.”   “What should I do?” Daith asked after a moment of silence.   “Wake her.” Gulsa answered.   Daith turned to Breksta and gently woke her. Breksta wiped the sleep from her eyes and looked at Daith. She smiled. “You are Breksta, my consort and the Mistress of Dreams.” Daith said to Breksta. The Dreamer nodded and then looked to Gulsa.   “I am Gulsa, the Weaver of Fate. The two of you shall create the world and the gods that shall protect it.”   “How?” Breksta asked.   “You will dream, and Daith will see that what you dream has form.” And Gulsa then spoke to them of Thaumara, a lush world teaming with life, of a bright burning sun that would bring warmth to the land, and a cool white moon that would provide light when the sun set. She spoke to them of the plants and animals that would roam this world. “Now, you shall lay together and create the world.” And so they did.   After the pair awoke, the three of them walked among the plants of the new world. As they walked they encountered another woman who was also walking among the trees. The woman looked to the three. "Who am I?" She asked.   Gulsa smiled. "You are Thauma, spirit of this world. As this world thrives, so shall you. As it ages, so shall you, and when in the far reaches of time this world dies, so shall you. You are the protector of life and will be the mother of those who will protect this world." Thauma nodded, knowing now her name and purpose.   The trio then encountered a man burning with bright light walking in the sands of the desert. The man looked at the sisters. "Who am I?" he asked.   "Orvis, lord of the sun, and consort of Thauma. You are to provide your light to protect Thauma from the darkness of the void. The two of you shall bare children who will watch over this world." Gulsa replied. Orvis nodded and soon found Thauma. The pair soon found a quiet spot and lay together.   As Orvis and Thauma slept, The trio continued their wandering. On a beach they encountered a figure, neither male nor female, emanating a cool light. "Who am I?" this person asked the three.   Gulsa answered: "You are Tarimal, the ever changing moon. You will give light to this world when Orvis sleeps, protecting it from the darkness of the void. When the mortals are born, you will share your power with them so they might help to protect this world from the darkness of the void. Your children will be the most powerful mortal creatures on this world." Tarimal nodded, knowing their name and purpose.   As she spoke to Tarimal, a horned beast emerged from the nearby forest. Seeing Gulsa, Breksta and Daith, and Tarimal it stood on two legs and approached. "Who am I?" the beast asked.   "You have no name" Gulsa replied, "for animals have no need of a name. The mortals of this world will call you The Horned One. You protect the plants and animals of this world, preserving their natural order and ensuring the mortals do not exploit them. Your children, with Tarmial, will be the most powerful mortal creatures on this world." The Horned One looked at Tarimal and nodded. The pair found a quiet spot and lay together.   Daith looked to Gulsa. "How do you know who these people are?"   Gulsa smiled. "I am the Mistress of Fate. The universe has a purpose for all of us, and I was given the task of making sure that purpose happens. It was I who brought you intro being from my own blood to create this world. These four are part of this world, for the world you dreamt must be protected from those that would seek to do it harm. They will create the gods. This is the way is must be."   “Now that we have created the world, what is our role?” Daith asked.   “You are the First among Gods. It is your job to bring order to the gods so that they cannot harm this world. You sit above, in judgement of their actions, and in judgement of the actions of the mortals who will populate this world. If you judge them worthy, they may pass on. If you judge them unworthy, they must pass below. You must always remember to be fair and honest.”   Daith nodded. “Yes. I understand. This is my purpose, and I will fulfill it.”   "And what of me?" Berksta asked.   Gulsa answered. "You are the goddess of dreams and will rule the Dreaming, a realm where immortal and mortal minds will wander when they sleep. There the most amazing creatures and ideas will be born, as well as the most terrifying and horrible of ideas. You are to protect the Dreaming, to ensure that no other entity can take control of the dreams of mortals, for that would spell doom for this world." Breksta nodded, understanding her roll.

Cover image: Moon Dream by Amanda Clark


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