
The Goddess of the Earth, as well as its spirit, Thauma is consort to Daith and with him the mother of Aled, Dela, Hasimal, and Pwence.   Though animals and mortals are part of her perview, when it comes to life Thauma is most concerned with plants. She is the goddess of trees and flowers. The Huorn Treants and Thornlings tend to follow her over any other god on Thaumara. She also can represent the quaking earth, and the tumultuous volcanoes when she is enraged. A fair number of dwarves follow her as the embodyment of the earth and stone they live among.   Her followers tend to be quite concerned with life in general, but have a propensity for things that grow.   Her symbol is a circle with a dot in the center.   Alignment: Chaotic Good
Portfolio: Nature, Life, Peace


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