
The history of Eridu is tied to The Long Night and The Withering Plague. This plague first began to infect humans just after the Long Night. The effects of the plague mean that birthrates among humans have plummeted. Within a century the populations of the seven human kingdoms was too low. A proposal was drafted for humanity to come together under a new banner to unite resources and fight the plague. Eridu came from this proposal.   Each of the seven kingdoms of humanity became dukedoms in the new nation, and the elect their monarch from one of the seven dukes. The system has worked so far and the seven dukedoms remain united in the common goal of curing the plague.   The Eridu crest is a seven pointed star with each point a different color to represent the seven nations on a field of chain-link symbolizing the unity of humanity. A unicorn, a symbol of hope, and the griffon, a symbol of strength, support the crest, and a seven pointed crown sits on top. The motto, in common, reads "Out of many, one."   The dukedoms are:
Brigantes, Current duchess: Morgan Langovolin
Buzham, Current duke: Andel Toriqua
Carin, Current duke: Roth mac Neil
Gepis, Current duchess: Bellone Vashta
Krajin, Current duke: Robur Fessenden
Njars, Current duke: Olaf Magnusson
Terbonia, current duchess: Sarala Garn

Ho limbë quén

Founding Date
583 AN
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy

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