Khora Tribes

The Khora tribes have only recently become a political entity in Thaumara. Before the founding of Eridu, the goblinoids were mostly scattered about Anor, having been killed off in Easlath durring The Nightmare War. With the foundation of Eridu, a lot of land once occupied by the humans opened up, and the goblinoids began to gather. They carved out thier own territory in eastern Anor. In general, most nations deal with them only for trade purposes, as they follow Voun over the other Waking Gods, but the goblinoids were powerful applies in the Nightmare War, so no one wants to fully alienate them.   Thier crest shows a sylized version of Voun's symbol on a sheild flanked by two hobgoblin blades. Thier motto, in common, reads: "The blades of Voun."  

Hethol Vouno

Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Barter system

Articles under Khora Tribes


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