Khumuus Tribes

The Khumuus tribes have been around since before The Nightmare War, living in the Chuluu mountains and generally keeping to themselves. They did send troops into Easlath, as the Nightmare races killed off tribes of goliaths in what is now the Ored Gorsoroch. As the plague began ravaging the humans, the Khumuus turned aggressive and started moving down from the mountains into the Gazan Steppes, fighting the Krajin and their Lovakin warriors. After the formation of Eridu, the Khumuus occupied most of the territory that was once Krajin. They seem to have stopped their expansion, but they have had skirmishes with both the Khora Tribes and the Teyr Aeries. Ironically, with the lovakin being exiled, some have joined the Khumuus tribes.   Their crest shows a wooly triceratops head on a red shield with a pair of swords crossed behind. Their motto, in common, reads: "Strength of Stone."  

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