
The Wychwood is less of a political nation and more of kind of nature preserve that forcefully protects itself. The Wychwood forest grows around the Feystone, the most potent gate between the materium and the Feywild. As such, there is a strong fey influence in the Wychwood. After the Sundering, the Huorn Treants and the Thornlings were stranded in the materium. These two plant races work together to keep the Wychwood healthy and to keep unwanted intruders out. They tend to prefer isolation, though some treants did follow the Allies to battle in The Nightmare War. The Wychwood keeps relation with some nations as trade partners, and as potential protection should the Nightmare races make a return.   Their crest is a twisted tree representing the treants and a loop of thorns for the thornlings. Flowers ring the green shield. Their motto, in common, is "Do not fear the forest."  

Va thoryan I málos

Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Neighboring Nations


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