The Creation of Mortals

In time the Waking Gods realized that the world needed more. It needed creatures that had intelligence and free will: the mortal races. The first were the dragons, created by Dovor and Class Options. These massive beasts commanded the magic of Tarimal and had the beastial traits of the The Horned One.   It was with the dragons, however, that Voun's evil first manifested, as he tainted some of the dragons. This lead the dragons to the first war. The brutality of this war shocked the gods, and so they created a new race. Daith specifically created the race that would later be known as giants. Orvis hoped the giants would end the war. Instead the dragons united against the giants and the war grew in intensity. As the very mountains shook with the battles of this war, the gods cried out to Gulsa.   "This is the way of mortals. They must have free will to act as they see fit. You can offer them guidance, but they must choose to follow your advice. War and strife is a hallmark of the mortal race. In time, wars end and then there can be peace." Gulsa said. The gods again hung their heads in sorrow. "You are all fools to believe the world should be idyllic. The good must be balanced with the bad, just as life must be balanced with death" she said, pointing to Aled and Dela. "If you can accept that life and death must be balanced, then you can accept evil and good, order and chaos must be balanced as well." The gods nodded, accepting Gulsa's wisdom.   Tarimal create the Elves, a race of magic tied to the lands.
Hasimal created the dwarves, sturdy craftsmen with a deep love of the earth. He then created the goliath to live above the ground.
Thauma created the halflings, small in stature, but with a love of all things that grow.
Inspired by Hasimal and Thauma, Quinzix created the gnomes, a small race who loved the earth, and had a knack for tinkering.
Dovor, seeing the form of the others, created the dragonborn, dragons given humanoid form.
Miranda, seeing the same, created the kobolds, a small race to help the larger dragonborn.
With The Horned one, Shessen created the first of the beast-kin, the Naratosk. She blended the humanoid form with some of her favorite animals.
Orvis followed suit, using the reptiles that soak in his light each day to create the Orang.
The Horned One himself created the murloc, the aarakocra, and the centaurs with a desire to bring other animals into the fold.
Pwence, seeing all that was in the world, added their own creation, the humans. A that drew on aspects of all; short lived, but highly adaptable.
Aled chose to bring his own race into the world, creating the firbolg, a race who would forever love life and help to nurture it.
Dela, delighting in the aarakocra, took some for his own, creating the kenku.
Voun, jealous of the others, corrupted their creations. From the elves he created the hobgoblins, from the firbolg he created the bugbear, from the halfling he created the goblins, and from the humans he created the orc.


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