Intro to Magic, Science and Technology
Thoughts on Congruence
While magic does not exist in our reality currently, on the continent of Aropria congruence raises several interesting questions that we can ask by comparing it to our world. Questions like, how would technology advance when there was an inherently more useful tool in a lot of specialist cases? How would it augment technology and science that already exists, or NEEDS to exist such as architecture and agriculture? How does the natural world shift and change when exposed to these forces? Congruence though, unlike other magical systems requires a few unique traits in order to function (without special cases such as dead zones or hot spots or storms where impressive amounts naturally gather).
Being able to define congruence is an important part for understanding and branching out with this fantastical world. The building blocks of congruence are described in Congruence: the Base Basics. A brief depiction of how this world is changed because of congruence is touched on in Congruence in the Natural World, and expanded on with Congruence Hazards.
Examples and structural lists of congruence items and concepts help to define existing ideas within the world. The articles most pertinent towards spellcasting are the Common Magic Items by Effects, Rare Magic Items, Artifacts, and Common Congruence Spells and Effects.
Though they are outliers, additional reading material related to congruence can be found with the Orange Reef and Blighted Lands, as foundational examples of what a portion of a world shaped by congruence would look like.
New and Old Science
Science is a nearly universal constant, though the progress of it is shifted in the world of the 4th Epoch to what we know. The differences and similarities are compared and contrasted in the Overview of Sciences article, with overlapping technology in the Level of Science and Technology in the 4th Epoch article. Because most science is marginally similar to structures we understand, congruence is expanded on the most.
Technology in the 4th Epoch
As with science, many of the devices and technology that are readily available to the people of the 4th Epoch are derived from items that we would recognize. The exceptions are largely related to the influx of congruence into the world, and many of the magic items lists can be reinterpreted as ‘technology lists’. That said, the Level of Science and Technology in the 4th Epoch, as well as the article on Each Nation’s Unique Technology are strong footholds to begin with.
For lists relevant to classes, there are the Overview of Congruence Schools, Overview of Other Congruence Classes, Combat Classes, and Non-Congruence Classes and Roles articles.