Lyi's Blight

It was after the evening meal when the pastor approached The Podium once again. The people quieted and their eyes lowered. The moon was dark and the Lunar Sister across the sky. They all knew what was to come.   "As the time of our celbration comes to an end, A reminder of why we must celebrate. For as good as life is, as bright the future is for us in Lyi's light, there could always be an end.
  The story is well known by the Ochis Lyi Community. Told every month after the jubalee of the Dance of the Tree, the people are reminded of what their worship and love is preventing, the responsibility the lies on their shoulders to uphold the traditions of their ancestors. Most importantly, reminds them of the consequences should those traditions cease.  
"Now the world is safe, but safety is not guarunteed. Ypu know what awaits us should we fail in our sacred duty, should we fail to uphold the traditions so graciously passed down to us through the generations." Pastor smiled softly, folding his hands. All eyes were downturned and fearful, just as he wanted them to be.   "Lyi's Blight." The whole congrgation shuddered.
  The Ochis Lyi belive that Lyi sits in the crossroads between a bright future and the world crashing down around them. As the keeper of the future, and therefore potential and providence, they belive she can take it all away should she ever become displeased.   This displeasure whould take the form of a blight on the land, destroying the crops and their provisions, slowly rotting through everything until the only option left was a slow and painful death, far from Lyi's provisions.   The believe they are the only thing keeping the world from this fate, that their constant worship and devotion to her and her "teachings" is what's keeping her pleased.  
"I know, I know, It's unpleasant to think about. the rot that could await us. the depravity. The loneliness. I know you don't want to think about it. But you must. You must know whay we do what we do." The pastor stepped down now, walking among his people and laying a gentle hand on their heads.   "We can not let the Great Tree fall, we can not let it succum ot the rot or the rest of the world will be next." He smiled again and lifted a shking little girls chin to meet his gaze.   "We wouldn't want that, now would we?"
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