The Aether

Plane of Shadow and Darkness

The Aether, the cold and dark twin to Artha. Plane of shadow and all things that crawl in the dark.  

Size and Time

The Aether is a mirror plane of Artha. This means the Aether is similar in size compared to Artha.   While time passes normally in most places, there are pockets present where time flows much slower or faster.  


The Aether is home to many dark and dangerous creatures. Shadowy spirits shift amongst the trees, stygian canines roam the planes hoping to devour the warmth of life of non-native travellers.  

Access and Travel

The Aether can be accessed like most other planes, through portals. It is a fairly open plane, its borders with The Faewylde and the The Slumbermyst unrestricted. The influence from these planes make for strange and often nightmarish landscapes along these borders.   Travel through the Aether is difficult, especially for those without the benefit of darkvision. Light itself is dimmed as if the thick darkness assaults it. The deep, bone-aching cold and thick adds to this, making camp to take a moment of respite alongside a campfire is nigh impossible. Traversing the Aether is exhausting for both body and mind and many have tried only to give up and wander the wastes endlessly as mindless husks.  

Bordering Planes

The Aether is said to border Artha and her other mirror planes; The Faewylde and The Slumbermyst and melds seamlessly into these planes. The Aether also borders the prime elemental plains of; Infyrnum, Oceanum, Tempestrum and Terrestrum.  


Mortuum is a demiplane of the Aether. A place shrouded in mystery.


As a mirror plane to Artha, the geographical layout of the Aether is roughly similar. Dispite this, however, the Aether is a dark, cold and twisted version of Artha. Ruins exists where cities thrive on Artha and natural features are wicked and cruel.   Wispy smoke-like darkness bellows lightly from everything, banks of obscuring mists ensure that every step one takes is unsure. Colours are supressed and shades of gray are all the eye can see.   Alongside the darkness that permeates throughout the entirety of the plane, pockets of magickal darkness hinders even those with darkvision.
Dimensional plane

Cover image: by Tanner Mardis