
A galactic wanderer in touch with The Way   While your powers make you a force to be reckoned with in the Agitare Nexus, far more important is your ability to understand and deal with the Way and all things tied to it. From handling Way artifacts to calming strange creatures in the dead of space, a Mystic makes life on the rim substantially safer.   When you play a Mystic, you earn xp when you address challenges with wisdom or the Way. This will naturally push you towards the unknown and inexplicable. When things get weird, that’s your moment to find answers.   How did you come by your understanding of the Way? Does your path have any special creed or curious practices? How long have you been traveling?    


Many kinds of Mystics wander the sector. Since there are numerous conflicting theories about the Way, mystic orders spring up around strong opinions about how the universe works. Think about how you access and perceive the Way and the forces you control. Do you connect to Way lines that crisscross the galaxy? Or use a focus of ancient symbols and embedded Way artifacts? How did you learn the techniques and secrets that have unlocked your access to the Way? Some Mystics are changed by exposure to Way artifacts or Way creatures. Others train for years in secluded monasteries, or in Cults.   Your crew will rely on you to be their interpreter of the Way. When your crew comes across strange disturbances, filter your explanations through your theories about the Way. Look for experiences that challenge your beliefs of how the Way acts, and grapple with your new understandings. These obstacles bring life to the unusual. Remember that while there might be wild and fantastical things in Precursor ruins, the Union also uses Way artifacts in some everyday things (like Urbots and jump drives).   For Actions, if you intend to be a Mystic fighter, you’ll want to pick up Scrap, or Sway and Consort for those looking to go the more mental route.   Good Veteran abilities to consider might be The Pilot’s Traveler ability for wandering Mystics, or Muscle abilities for Psy-Blade-wielding Mystic warriors.  


The sector is rife with species that are uniquely attuned to the Way. Some claim ancestry to the Ur, while others claim evolution on a Way-ridden planet. Regardless, as a xeno Mystic, you’re giving up a key starting ability, and should consider how it influences your development as a Mystic. Work with your GM and table to define special abilities and permissions for the specific mystic tradition of your people. For example, look at the Memish mystical abilities on page 350.   Because the Way is carefully controlled, The Galactic Union is leery of species with a greater than normal command of the Way. Entire xeno populations have been eradicated for Way manipulation the Cults deemed heretical. Are you a last remnant of one of these species? Is your very existence a crime?


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