
A respectable person on the take   Leave the blatant crimes to the rest of the crew. Your forte is the sophistication of polite society and the connections you leverage to get ahead of your next job before you even start. You open doors that might stay closed to the crew, and know just how to talk to powerful people. When things go south, you have a plan or a friend who might help. And afterwards, you know who can smooth things out and keep things under wraps.   When you play a Speaker, you earn xp when you address challenges with deception or influence. You’re at your best talking and setting up your teammates. Use the teamwork maneuvers and flashbacks to highlight your connections, foresight, and planning.   Why did you turn to a life of crime? What walk of life did you come from? How much do you still keep in touch with it?  


A good Speaker relies on timing, context, and connections. It’s not just what you can do, but who you know. You’re best in social situations because you have wider access to society and influencers. It can also be fun to keep your past a mystery from the other PCs and reveal it through the people you meet and how you interact with them.   A Speaker’s friends are defined more by who they are than what they do—Guild members, diplomats, etc. This leaves the question of how you know them and the relationship you have with them very open. Collectively, they can get you almost anything you need. Hold off before you define your fifth friend until an opportune moment in the story. Even better if that friend is an established NPC, like the Pirate Queen or Governor Malklaith himself!   The Speaker has the widest variety of items in terms of gear. Their luxury items are often more form than function, but out in Agitare Nexus they can mean a lot to those you share them with. Defining these items on a job is not a flashback, provided they fit into the category of luxury item, so look for opportunities to work them into the story.   For Actions, take Study if you want to read the people you’re meeting, or Skulk and Hack if you like leveraging connections to get on the inside and influence the job from the shadows. For Veteran abilities, consider the Stitch’s Book Learning to reflect a high society upbringing. The Mechanic’s Hacker ability will help those infiltrators that like going into well-guarded places. And the Mystic’s Psy-Dancing can help those Speakers looking for a little extra push when words alone don’t work.  


Aside from diplomants, xeno Speakers are somewhat unusual in The Galactic Union. Amongst the Syndicates, xenos are far more accepted, and in some, even preferred.   Space adventure has plenty of examples of natural empaths, species with advanced cognitive functions, or even protocol robots that serve as Speakers for their crew. When considering your xeno heritage, think about how your species communicates and work with your GM to figure out how those styles of communication might manifest in play. Talk to your table about what they expect the limits of these abilities might be—one table may be completely comfortable with telepathy, while that may be too magical for another.
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