
A spacefaring healer or scientist   Respected across the sector, the ability to heal is one of the most valuable out on the edge of Agitare space. Properly trained physicians are, if not welcomed, at least treated well. For crews that tend to take a few injuries, a Stitch capable of knitting bones and patching blaster burns is always a welcome addition.   When you play a Stitch, you earn xp when you address challenges with Insight or compassion. Make sure you see the whole picture and help keep your crew safe and sound. When things get out of hand, they’ll need you. When they lose their way, guide them. Remember that not all wounds are physical.   What research interests you? What do you charge for your services? How did you learn your trade?    


When making a Stitch, think about what drives you to tend to this particular crew. Do you care deeply for this crew of scoundrels, or is this a way to keep one step ahead of the law? Equally important is what kind of person you are—are your patients always safe in your care? Would you refuse to help someone you think is a bad person?   Stitches can have varied backgrounds. Some are former university-trained field medics who may have fallen on hard times. Others are folks that learned through necessity. Some might be scientists whose line of research is not condoned by The Galactic Union.   Your starting ability deserves some attention. With it, you can do two things at the same time. You can substitute your Doctor rating for any other ability for a push, but more importantly, you get to have a cool moment where you talk about a former patient, posting, or research project that lends you the knowledge you need.   For Actions, consider Sway and Consort, if you’re a friendly sort or still have connections in high society. If you used to be a Combat Medic, Prowess Actions are good.   For Veteran abilities, look at the Speaker’s Heart-to-Heart if you’re a caretaker, while the Muscle’s Bodyguard ability allows you to keep the people in your care alive even in the worst of conditions. Although Stitches are usually on board to tend to wounds, some are pure scientists. Consider starting with Dr. Strange or Book Learning in that case. Many Mechanic abilities might also fit. Also Rig and Hack might be useful to these types, as well as the Crafting rules on page 282 for your gadgets and newfangled inventions.  


There are numerous species with a knack for medical science and enhanced senses that render a medical scanner unnecessary. Think about how you might approach healing differently than a Human Doctor. Perhaps you’re unused to species with a single heart. Or find it annoying that others can’t just regenerate limbs like your people can. Embrace and celebrate the differences.   Regardless of the species, most physicians are at least superficially well treated in Agitare Nexus; you’re less likely to have problems than other xenos. That said, if you really want to build bridges between species, consider picking up the Welcome Anywhere ability. It will allow you to have a real conversation about society and change in the Agitare Nexus.


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