Athria Nightmare

Duchess Athria Raven Nightmare (a.k.a. Lust of The Knights of Blood)

Duchess Athria Nightmare, known as Lust of the Knights of Blood, holds the esteemed position of noble governor over Sapphire, a prominent province situated in the southern reaches of Septentrionalis. Formerly a distinguished member of the Knights of Blood, Athria now serves as the esteemed combat instructor at Divites Populi, a renowned light warrior academy nestled within Septentrionalis.   Born as the sole daughter of Sarah Nightmare and High King Henry Nightmare, Athria also bears the official title of Princess of Majjia, albeit one she rarely employs. Despite her royal lineage, Athria eschews formal titles in favor of her dedication to service and martial prowess.   During the tumultuous Blood Spill Civil War, Athria emerged as a pivotal figure, operating not on the front lines but orchestrating crucial operations behind the scenes. From overseeing inventory management on the battlefield to orchestrating rallies and protests, Athria played a multifaceted role in bolstering the rebellion. Alongside her brother Owen and future sister-in-law Elizabeth Yami, Athria served as a spokesperson and secondary leader, rallying allies and galvanizing support for the cause over the span of two tumultuous years.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athria is an above average height athletic woman with a toned and muscular build, reflecting her extensive training and expertise in combat. She is highly agile and possesses remarkable strength, attributes that have earned her respect both on and off the battlefield. She maintains peak physical fitness through rigorous daily routines and martial arts practice.

Body Features

Athria, like her brother and mother, has very pale skin however due to how often she trains outdoors it has a more healthy, sun-kissed glow. She has long crimson red hair while it is often left to hang loosely around her shoulders in soft ringlets during combat or training sessions she will tie it back into a more practical braid.

Facial Features

Athria is a spitting image of her mother with sharp striking facial features and kind blood red eyes that gaze into people’s souls.

Identifying Characteristics

Athria has one single tattoo, her light warrior tattoo, which is of a silver dripping with blood located on her right forearm.

Special abilities

Magic comes from the soul and a name is a reflection of who a person is. Therefore names have a deep connection with the type of magic someone is most proficient in. Those in House Nightmare always have the innate ability to use Fear Magic. Fear magic is a subset of Empathy Magic that specializes in fear and those who use Fear magic will also use Empathy Magic. Fear is the most basic of emotions that living beings can feel. Fear is an ancient primal emotion that in a lot of cases forces us to face who we really are. Those who practice fear magic can see a person's greatest fear and can use it against them if need be. A person who uses fear magic can see all of a person is and all they could be, after all a person’s fears can oftentimes tell you more about a person than their hopes and dreams. For those who wield fear magic fear is something you can touch. Users of Fear magic will often have very severe nightmares that feel very, very, real. Most of the time those nightmares aren’t even theirs but someone else's. Darkness seems to latch on to users of fear magic’s very soul, which will often attract creatures of darkness and fear towards them.   Athria is known to be proficient in most types of magic but especially blood magic and elemental magic like air and water magic. She is also incredibly talented at mind magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Athria has two very distinctive styles, a more formal one fitting of the Duchess of Sapphire and a more practical yet stylish attire befitting a combat instructor at an elite school designed to train warriors. When she’s playing her role as Duchess of Sapphire she is often seen in lace, silk, satin and the colors red, silver, and black. When she’s Instructor Nightmare she wears leather and a unique set of light armor, custom-made for her by the best blacksmiths of Majjia. Unlike her brother, Athria’s taste in jewelry is minimalistic. She wears a simple silver necklace with a small sapphire pendant, a symbol of her governorship over Sapphire.

Specialized Equipment

Athria wields a pair of custom-forged short swords, named Lux and Umbra. These swords, designed for both offense and defense, are inscribed with the family motto and are balanced perfectly for her fighting style. She also carries a small, enchanted sapphire ring that enhances her combat abilities, particularly her speed and agility. This ring is a family heirloom passed down to her upon assuming the governorship of Sapphire.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Athria Nightmare, also known as Lust of The Knights of Blood and Duchess of Sapphire, is the only daughter to High King Henry and Sarah Nightmare, born on Tenebris 6, 2124. Like her older brother Jack she had a relatively normal childhood, attending Belladonna Academy, an ancient private school, in Amethyst, the capital city of the Kingdom of Archangel, where she was born from kindergarten to seventh grade. Even after the Magical Revolution, a rebellion against the king of Bellum led by Athria’s very own parents, when her father was crowned as high king her life was still rather normal for around two years.   Then when she turned 13, High Queen ███████████████ unlawfully executed fellow high queen, Raven Morte for treason. Outraged by this his father created In Corde, a rebel faction aimed at opposing Sarah, now infamous as Blood Spill, within a year. By 2140, the conflict escalated into full-scale warfare, igniting the Blood Spill Civil War—the first of the United Kingdoms of Majjia.   From this point on Athria was homeschooled while aiding in the war effort the only way she was allowed to, operating not on the front lines but orchestrating crucial operations behind the scenes. From overseeing inventory management on the battlefield to orchestrating rallies and protests, Athria played a multifaceted role in bolstering the rebellion. She played politics like musicians played their instruments and served as not only a spokesperson for the rebellion but as a secondary leader too, rallying allies and galvanizing support for the cause over the span of two tumultuous years.   Unfortunately the war, despite their best efforts, didn't end in their victory and High King Henry Nightmare was executed under ground of treason on Gratiarum 23, 2142 by High Queen ███████████████, now known as High Queen Blood Spill. However Athria and her siblings and their spouses were pardoned and spared from the executor block and Athria knew instantly why. This was a test and she was determined to ace it, no matter the consequences she saw first hand what happened when you disobeyed the High Queen. She would never get her father’s execution out of her mind; it would always haunt her so despite how much she hated it, Athria played her role.   She went to Virum Spiritus, an academy for Light Warriors, an elite group of warriors who protect the 13 kingdoms. And once she graduated from there she went to Nakiton Institute of the Arcane, the oldest school of magic in the world. She played her part but her older brother Jack hadn’t, despite everything he and his wife had planned out a rebellion against the High Queen and were executed in their home in Rosewood, Bellum by the Knights of Blood, an esteemed faction of warriors established by the High Queen to uphold her authority, on Aestas 25, 2153.   As Sally and Jack had been a part of the Knights of Blood, it was disbanded after their death with most of the original members stepping down as a form of protest. Their own way of saying that they did not approve of Sally and Jack’s death and would not stand with their killer for any reason.   Athria was a coward and she knew that but she didn’t want to haunt the ways she loved the way Henry, Jack and Sally haunted her. So when she was chosen to be a member of the Knights of Blood she gritted her teeth and bore the burden without complaint. When she was picked to be the noble governor of Sapphire, a major province within the Kingdom of Septentrionalis, she rolled with that too. Taking up a side job as a combat instructor at Divites Populi, Spetentrionalis’s Light Warrior Academy, as a way to make life more bearable.


Athria Nightmare


Towards Jack Nightmare


Jack Nightmare


Towards Athria Nightmare


Owen Nightmare


Towards Athria Nightmare


Athria Nightmare


Towards Owen Nightmare


Date of Birth
6th of Tenebris, 2124
Year of Birth
2124 40 Years old
Jack Nightmare (Brother)
Owen Nightmare (Brother)
Almond-shaped Crimson red eyes
Long curly crimson red hari
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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