Citrune Belt (C - trune)

The Citrune Belt is a collection of asteroids that forms a circle between the planets Dyria and Yannao. It is known locally as the perfect hideout due to the veiled wildfire that roams throughout the asteroids. The Red Scarves rule over the belt, forcing the dwarf planets hidden within to pay taxes to remain safe.
Are you sure? I'm not risking my crew just so you can so do something utterly stupid. The belt is the one place half of us refuse to go. With the Red Scarves guarding the area, we're as good as dead!
— Lucian to Jack


The belt is built up of rocks and dwarf planets. The rocks sometimes contain ores and pockets of natural gases perfect for people to mine and use for their ships. The three dwarf planets can be located close to one another, having only to travel a couple of days by ship and traverse the dangerous asteroids.


People don't normally enter the asteroid belt unless they have no other choice. With state-of-the-art technology, they can scan the area and detect the layout of the belt. However, the asteroids can move, leaving room for the ship to crash into the smallest or largest asteroid. While the scans can detect things, they are not always accurate either. Asteroids pull and push like the tides of an ocean. The captain of a ship must be prepared to make split-second decisions when an asteroid is coursing their way.

Localized Phenomena

The veiled wildfire is the main phenomenon people know about in the belt. The dangers that follow it tend to lead toward death or destruction. Those who enter the belt must always have a fire or sun caster with them to help spot the wildfire lest they get caught in the destruction and perish.
I faced the dangers of the wildfire when I first arrived there. I could not fathom facing it again. It destroyed the entire Lunar Stone Drive Engine as I was crashing toward Veneatania. Barely survived. I woke up in the local medbay, where I first met the man who would take me to Vosov.
Jack Arric about the wildfire
  Jack is the only fae to have entered the material plane in centuries, so he is the only person who knows where the portal to the Ilurat Expanse is located. He admits it is situated in the Citrune Belt, but won't disclose the approximate location out of safety for any ship.

Natural Resources

A few ores can be found within the rocks throughout the belt. The most common is coal with emeralds and garnets being the rarest. The pockets of gases that can be located within the rocks are known as xenon and nitryl fluoride, both types that are useful in powering ships or parts of a ship.


Veneatania is the most popular dwarf planet in the belt, where the Etheral Narcissus is located. The bar brings most of the tourists, but that can be taxing as some tourists get stuck in the area for years having to pay off debts for fixing their ships by taking out loans from the Red Scarves.

Table of Contents

by Amelia Nite (DungeonFog)
Asteroid belt
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Materials

Articles under Citrune Belt

Cover image: by Amelia Ntie (Canva)


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Aug 16, 2024 02:59 by Lady Wynter

I like the idea of an asteroid belt having dwarf planets that are inhabited. I wouldn't mind knowing more abut these dwarf planets and about the Red Scarves. The Veiled Fire caught me attention too.

Bringing the Light