Red-Violet Astrskite (Aster - ss - kite)

Red-violet astrskite is a rare arcane gemstone that can be found while mining the asteroids of the Citrune Belt. It glows a vibrant red color unless something decaying is in the area. When touching the decay, the crystal glows a bright violet, nearly lavender, depending on what is happening. The main focus of its abilities is to resist decay when decay is in progress, stopping it and potentially allowing for medical attention if the decay is spreading on a living creature. However, there are times when the gem has been used to reverse something that has been fully decayed.

History & Usage

Manufacturing & Products

The gem can be fastened into a utility socket on a device called a lumin ray to help increase the power of preventing decay and even reversing it. Studies have proven that decay prevention has increased by 15.8% since the discovery of the gem and equipping it with the lumin ray.


The crystal can also backfire, increasing the decay rate by 73.8%, but this only happens if the crystal is damaged or glowing reddish-orange. If kept unchecked the crystal can even cause decay. When this is the case, it is best to call in an evac team to remove civilians from the area and a biohazard team to subdue the crystal and destroy it safely.   Collecting the crystal is also dangerous with the veiled wildfire roaming the Citrune Belt. If the ship mining for the gemstones is caught by the wildfire, it spells danger and the gems could become cracked, rendering the entire asteroid a hotbed for decay.


Trade & Market

The governments of some planets will opt to sell the crystals to arcana casters in need of a gem to attach to their registered lumin ray. This is rarely seen as the crystals are used mainly during war or on planets where decay is common.   A few arcana merchants sell the crystals on the black market for an upscaled price of 200,000 SC. However, this is extremely rare and most of these merchants won't allow you to buy from them unless you come with a recommendation from another valued buyer.

Table of Contents

75,000 SC
Common State
Related Locations
Related Technologies

Cover image: by Amelia Nite (Canva)


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Aug 11, 2024 15:23

Great idea of ​​the gemstone and I might also like to have one in a necklace that would warn me if I suffered a serious illness, but the question is whether the danger might not be too great? I would have liked it if you had explained this with a few anecdotes or quotes or told a little story to gain a deeper insight into how cultures deal with the material.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.