The Sleeping Saviour Organization in The Ashen Star | World Anvil
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The Sleeping Saviour

At the heart of the city of Sanctum lies a massive complex of temples, gardens, and elaborate tombs. In the very center of this district sits a single tomb, hewn from bright marble, large enough to fit hundreds of individuals. Deep inside this tomb, buried long ago, lies the sleeping body of a young woman named Elysia.   It is said that she was born thousands of years ago, long before even the Emperor Eternal walked the earth, and fought in a great war against a long forgotten foe. This foe was defeated, but not without great sacrifice. Elysia shielded her people from harm at the cost of her own life, falling into an unbreakable magical sleep. However, it is recorded that Lady Elysia will rise again one day when the great foe returns, and there will be a final battle to decide the fate of the world.   The most devout followers of Lady Elysia are known as the Elysian Guard. They are revered as the city's protectors and serve as its final line of defense against external threats. Members of the Elysian Guard are trained warriors who dedicate their lives to the protection of Sanctum and the eventual return of Lady Elysia. It is said that they can recover from nearly any wound with nothing but prayer, and fight with an utter lack of fear or hesitation. When an Elysian Guard does fall in battle, they are laid to rest alongside their goddess to await their duty in the final battle.
made in midjourney
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