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Wyvern Knights

The Wyvern Knights were an elite group of soldiers in the Uprielish military that rode dragon-like wyverns.


The Wyvern Knights were led by a commander, who were themselves subordinate to the ruler of Upriel, but below the commander there was little rigid organization. The knighthood was small enough that its members could be trusted to self-regulate.


Being the most elite military force in Upriel, the Wyvern Knights prided themselves on their abilities, and strove to continually better themselves. Stronger knights often had fitting mounts, such as more powerful drakes like frost or desert drakes, but just as often, their wyvern grew with them, going beyond what is typical for its species.


The Wyvern Knights were founded by Konrad Heidemann, the first king of Upriel, who is said to have been the first to tame a wyvern. He taught this technique, or otherwise gave eggs, to his most favored warriors, and the Wyvern Knights remained Upriel's greatest warriors until it was conquered by the Cyrdian Empire.


The Wyvern Knights were disbanded during Cyrdia's conquest of Upriel.

Wyvern Knight (Archetype)

You have trained in Upriel, learning to ride a wyvern as a mount, and have been given a wyvern egg which serves as a companion and mount upon hatching.

Wyvern Knight Dedication (Feat 2)

Rarity Uncommon

Traits Achetype, Dedication

Prerequisites trained in Nature; trained in martial weapons; member of the Wyvern Knights

Your wyvern egg has hatched and grown, and the wyvern has imprinted on you. You gain a wyvern animal companion.

SpecialYou can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the wyvern knight archetype.

Mature Wyvern (Feat 4)

Rarity Uncommon

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Wyvern Knight Dedication

Your wyvern companion grows up, becoming a mature animal companion and gaining additional capabilities. During an encounter, even if you don't use the Command an Animal action, your wyvern companion can still use 1 action on your turn to either Stride or Strike.

Quick Mount (Feat 4)

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Wyvern Knight Dedication; expert in Nature

Requirements You are adjacent to a creature that is at least one size larger than you and is willing to be your mount.

You and your mount can spring into action at a moment's notice. You Mount the creature and Command an Animal to issue it an order of your choice.

Defend Mount (Feat 6)

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Wyvern Knight Dedication

Trigger An enemy makes an attack roll against your mount while you're riding it.

You interpose yourself between an attacker and your mount, defending your mount from harm. Use your own AC against the triggering attack instead your mount's AC. If the triggering attack hits, you take the effects of the attack instead of your mount.

Mounted Shield (Feat 6)

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Wyvern Knight Dedication

You've trained with your shield to defend both yourself and your mount. When you Raise a Shield while mounted, both you and your mount gain the shield's circumstance bonus to AC. If you have the Shield Block reaction, you can use it in response to your mount taking damage, as long as you're riding your mount. If you do, the shield prevents your mount from taking damage instead of preventing you from taking damage, following the normal rules for Shield Block.

Incredible Wyvern (Feat 10)

Rarity Uncommon Traits Archetype Prerequisites Mature Wyvern Your wyvern companion continues to grow and develop. It becomes a nimble or savage animal companion, gaining additional capabilities determined by the type of companion.

Trampling Charge (Feat 10)

Traits Archetype, Flourish

Prerequisites Wyvern Rider

Requirements You are riding a mount that has a melee Strike using its legs (claw, talons, hoof, etc.).

You urge your mount forward, trampling enemies in your path. You command your mount to Stride up to its Speed (or to Burrow, Climb, Fly, or Swim, if it has the corresponding movement type), moving through the spaces of any foes in your path up to one size smaller than your mount. Your mount deals damage equal to the melee Strike using its legs to each creature whose space you move through, subject to a basic Reflex save against your mount's Athletics DC. On a critical failure, the creature also becomes flat-footed until the end of your next turn. You can damage a given creature only once during this movement.

Specialized Wyvern (Feat 14)

Rarity Uncommon

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Incredible Wyvern

Your Wyvern has trained to perform well in specific circumstances. Your wyvern companion gains a specialization of your choice, but does not increase its intelligence modifier as usual for a specialized animal companion.

Special You can select this feat more than once. Each time, add a different specialization to your wyvern companion. Your wyvern can't have more than three specializations.

Wyvern Rider (Feat 14)

Rarity Uncommon

Traits Archetype

Prerequisites Wyvern Knight Dedication

By training together, you and your wyvern have gained the ability to work as one. Your wyvern companion gains the mount special ability, allowing it to fly while you're riding it and bypassing the other restrictions of riding an animal companion.

Wyvern (Animal Companion)

Traits Uncommon

Your companion is a wyvern that imprinted on you after hatching. A wyvern has the dragon trait instead of the animal trait, but it otherwise functions normally as an animal companion.

Size Small

Melee claws, Damage 1d6 slashing

Melee fangs, Damage 1d8 piercing

Str +3, Dex +1, Con +2, Int -2, Wis +1, Cha +0

Hit Points 8

Skill Athletics

Senses darkvision

Speed 10 feet, fly 40 feet

Support Benefit Your wyvern tears at foes that you restrain. The first foe within your wyvern's reach that you successfully grab before the start of your next turn takes 1d8 piercing damage.

Advanced Maneuver Venom Sting

Venom Sting

The wyvern makes a strike with the following effects. The damage of the wyvern's stinger unarmed attack increases as normal for an animal companion's unarmed attacks.

Melee stinger (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 1d12 piercing plus 1d6 poison

Scope and Influence
national (Upriel; strong)
watch over Upriel and its borders, strike important targets

297 B.C. - 1 B.C.

Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Species
Straldeg Citadel
Uprielish government and people
Cyrdian Empire and its forces, Uprielish government officials who want more direct control over the knights
high pay, influence in Upriel, wyvern eggs, weapons and armor
Membership Requirements
climb to Straldeg Citadel, earn the respect of a Wyvern Knight, prove oneself in combat
combat prowess, scouting skill, loyalty
Abandoning one's post, betraying the ruler of Upriel


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