
Overall, the cook rank represents a position of great importance and responsibility on a pirate ship, and is crucial for the well-being and morale of the crew members. A successful cook who is able to provide nourishing meals and maintain the loyalty of the crew members can help to ensure the long-term success of the pirate crew.


In terms of authority, the cook would have significant power within the crew, often acting as a mediator in disputes and conflicts related to food and drink. They would also be responsible for enforcing discipline and maintaining order in the galley.


The cook would report directly to the pirate captain and would be responsible for managing the ship's galley and providing meals in accordance with the captain's orders and goals. They would also be responsible for overseeing the ship's supplies of food and drink, and for ensuring that the crew members were properly fed and nourished.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The cook would typically wear an outfit similar to the other officers on the ship, but might also wear an apron or other clothing that is appropriate for their job. They would be respected and trusted by the crew members, as they had the power to provide nourishment and comfort to the crew.
Form of Address
Equates to
In naval tradition, the cook is an officer on a pirate ship who is responsible for managing the ship's galley and providing meals for the crew members. They are often considered to be one of the most important officers on the ship, as they are responsible for ensuring that the crew members are well-fed and healthy.
Reports directly to