Ship's Mage

Overall, the pirate mage rank represents a position of great magical power and responsibility on a pirate ship, and is crucial for the ship's overall success. A successful pirate mage who is able to use their magical powers effectively and maintain the loyalty of the crew members can help to ensure the long-term success of the pirate crew.


The pirate mage would be responsible for ensuring that the portals were kept in good working order, and would be expected to use their magical powers to repair any damage or malfunctions. They would also be responsible for opening and closing the portals at the appropriate times, and for ensuring that the crew members were trained in their use.   Those with seer abilities might be responsible for predicting weather patterns, spotting enemy vessels, or warning the crew of impending danger.   Enchanters are responsible for creating enchanted weapons or armor to protect the crew during battles.   Some mages might specialize in helping to navigate a ship, using their magical abilities to guide the ship through treacherous waters or to find the best routes to their destinations.


The pirate mage would report directly to the pirate captain and would be responsible for using their magical powers in accordance with the captain's orders and goals. They would also be responsible for overseeing the use of other magical items or artifacts on the ship.   One important responsibility of the pirate mage would be to maintain the portals on the ship. These portals could be used to travel quickly from one location to another, and were crucial for a pirate crew that needed to make a quick escape or launch a surprise attack

Accoutrements & Equipment

The pirate mage would wear clothing appropriate for their magical abilities, such as robes or other garments with symbols of magic. They would be respected and feared by the crew members, as they had the power to unleash devastating magical attacks on enemy ships.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
Form of Address
Mage, Magistrate, Seer, Enchanter, etc. - Based on magical affinity and achievement.
Equates to
The pirate mage would be a high-ranking officer on a pirate ship who possesses magical abilities. They would be responsible for using their magical powers to aid the crew in battle and to protect the ship from harm.
Reports directly to